Preserving the Family in a Disintegrating Society Lack of Leadership
Women in the Ministry of Jesus
We have been told in recent times that Jesus was a radical feminist. According to this view he deliberately undermined the traditional patriarchal framework so obviously a part of Old Testament culture and religion.
Male and Female He Created Them
Ten Things You Should Know about Complementarianism
How should we understand the biblical call of headship and submission in the family and church? Complementarianism and egalitarianism have different views on this subject. This article explains ten things you need to know about complementarianism and its stance on the role of husband and wife in the family and church.
Five Things to Avoid When Discussing the Bible's Teaching on Gender
This article utters five cautions to consider when discussing what the Bible teaches on gender.
The Most Difficult Time to Lead
Leadership can be difficult as a husband and a father when by your long-term actions or inaction has forfeited the respect of those meant to follow your lead. Yet this article explains that you do not lead because you are worthy, but because you are called.
1 Timothy 2 – The Ordination of Women
This article discusses what 1 Timothy 2 says on the role of women in the church.
Feminism and the Doctrine of the Triune God
1 Timothy 2:15 – The High Calling of Motherhood
The Role of the Wife in Marriage
God's Design for Wives
God's Design for Husbands
The Husband – a Loving Servant-Leader
The Wife – a Submissive Partner-Helper
Christian Women and Education: Wise Helpmeets, Able Mothers
The Place of Women in the Church
Oppressed Housewives?
1 Timothy 2:12 - Teaching and Usurping Authority
The syntax of 1 Timothy 2:12 has been the subject of serious scholarly discussion in recent years. Increasingly, It has become clear that before one can apply this important passage on women's roles in the church, one must first determine what it means. In this quest for the meaning of 1 Tim 2:12, the proper understanding of the passage's syntax has had a very important place, especially since consensus on the meaning of the rare word "authentein" has proved elusive.
The Role of Women in the Christian Church
The Crux of the Matter – Paul’s Pastoral Pronouncements Regarding Women’s Roles in 1 Timothy 2:9–15
The role of women in the church, and in particular the issue of the ordination of women, is a worldwide discussion point. Yet the issue of women’s roles in the church and society is not a new one. This makes it all the more remarkable that the progressive reading of biblical texts such as 1 Timothy 2:9-15 is a comparatively recent phenomenon.
Gentle Men
The Role of the Husband in Marriage
Gender Dysphoria Christian pastoral care and transgenderism
The Power of Language
The Christian Wife
A Modest Ambition Women Lead more than they know. Make the Example Godly.
Role of Women in the Church
Always a Woman
What makes a woman a woman? What is the role of women in the church? This article explains that these questions can be answered by asking, what is the role God assigned to the woman?
The Headship of the Reformed Husband
This article explains that the headship of the husband is the authority given to him by which he is expected to treat his wife and children as Christ pleases. It is characterized by love and a reflection of Christ and the Father. However, this headship can also be abused, and the author explains how.
The Roots of Our Gender Identity Crisis
What is the cause of the gender identity crisis? This article argues that the concept of self-expression can be traced to individualism. The author discusses how Christians should answer this crisis.
Female Ministers
Is Complementarianism Oppressive to Women?
In question and answer format, this article addresses the notion that complementarianism leads to the oppression of women. It shows that Christlike, sacrificial headship has the good of the wife in view.
Why I Am Not Egalitarian
Egalitarianism is the theological view that not only are all people equal before God in their personhood, but there are no gender-based limitations of what roles each can fulfill in the home, church, and society. Which way to go, the egalitarian or complementarian way? Let the article explain the difference on the view of equality.
Act Your Age!
"Act like a grown up." Have you had these words directed to you? This article explains the need for maturity in Christian men and how to grow to maturity.
Partnership in the Gospel: The Role of Women in the Church at Philippi
This article considers the role of women in the church and in particular the church in Philippi. Women played prominent roles in the development of this congregation that the apostle Paul commended for their partnership in the gospel (Philippians 1:5). The author seeks to explore the question of the nature of women’s “partnership in the gospel," by probing the narrative of Acts 16:12-40.
Created and Redeemed as Male and Female
Should women be ordained to office? To answer this question this article looks at creation. It argues that man and woman were created equal and given different gifts and roles to play. This article looks at this role in a marriage and the church. It shows that though women can serve in the church, they cannot be ordained as elders and deacons. God is the one who decides the position of women in church.
Men and Women in the Church
Can women be in office? This article argues that women cannot be ordained as elders or pastors. Applying hermeneutical principles to 1 Timothy 2:12, it shows that the case for women in office has no biblical grounds.
Biblical Womanhood: The Place of the Woman in Creation and Recreation
The Feminine Virtue of Wisdom
The Feminine Virtue of Submissiveness
Mother, Where are You?: What Scripture Says About the Task of the Woman in the Family
Colossians for Women: Wrapped Up in Jesus
Affectionate Initiative: A Call for Loving, Leading Husbands
The Office of Christian Man: Applying Christ's Three-Fold Office to Men
Jubilee Woman
Wifely Submission: Truly Liberating
For the family to be strong, both husband and wife must play their God-given role within the family. This article discusses the role of the wife by looking at Ephesians 5:22. The author looks at what it means to be submissive and gives ways in which wives can show submission.
Free Church of Scotland: Role of Women in the Church A Report of the Study Panel of the Free Church of Scotland
Pentecost: The Role of Women in the Church
Forgive Me Lord, I am a Martha
The Reformed Family: Women in the Church
This article is about the place of women in the church. The relation of Jesus Christ and women, and the special function women have with regards to hospitality is also discussed.
Gender Passages in the New Testament: Hermeneutical Fallacies Critiqued
The bliss man and woman enjoyed in the Garden before the fall, has given way to much confusion regarding the role of man and woman in God’s world, in Christ’s church, and in relation to one another.
The Role of Women in the Early Church
Pursue Mature Manhood and Womanhood
What Makes a Man
Joan or John? A Dilemma in Christian Ethics
This article considers the scenario where someone who has had a gender reassignment surgery wants to repent from their past and turn to the Lord. How do you help them down the road of repentance?
Women’s Ministry Needs the Gospel
Women's ministry needs the gospel. Why? It is only the gospel that can bring them lower, at the same time bring them higher, and show them where to hide. The article explains how the gospel does this for women's discipleship.
Gender Identity and the Body
What is the Christian view on transgenderism? This article argues that the question of gender identity can only be answered by the truth of creation.
Should Women Hold Office as Pastors, Teachers, or Bishops?
This article offers some key principles for answering the question whether women may be ordained to Christian ministry.
Correcting Caricatures – The Biblical Teaching on Women
Kaiser sets out to correct popular caricatures of the gender roles we find depicted in Scripture. Texts reflected upon include Genesis 2:18, Genesis 3:16, 1 Corinthians 14:34-38, and 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.
Prophetesses, Then and Now
Home, Sweet Gleaming, Gorgeous Home
Redeeming the Time – At Home
Heads, Hats, and Hair
This article looks at the covering of the head described in 1 Corinthians 11. This covering was meant to demonstrate the principle of submission. The author discusses principles for dress today.
M... F... or...Q? Who Are You? Emo?
The Role of Women in the Church: The Magna Carta of Humanity
Does Christianity squash women? A woman looks at womanhood
In this review on a book by Rebecca Jones, the author looks at the role of the woman.
Why You Don't Need to Be a Super Saint to Be a Spiritual Mother
What is Paul advocating in Titus 2:3-5? This article considers the passage's implications for spiritual mothering.
Women's Education and Public Speech in Antiquity
What was the social position of women in antiquity? Were they less educated than men and did they enjoy less opportunity for public speech than men? Keener first notes the relevance of these questions for one line of egalitarian interpretation of Paul. He then examines some exceptions to this general rule, the presence of some women in advanced education, women in Jewish education, and women speaking in public.
Patriarchy as an Evil That God Tolerated: Analysis and Implications for the Authority of Scripture
This article analyzes the assumption that the patriarchal culture instituted in the Old Testament is a moral evil that was abolished through the coming of the fullness of redemption in Christ. This paper focuses on evangelical feminism. The author wants to understand the implications of embracing this assumption for the authority of the Bible as the infallible Word of God. His central question is whether adopting this assumption undermines scriptural authority.
Is There a Third Way in Complementarian Women’s Ministry?
What should be the role and place of women in church? This article evaluates two approaches, one that has no room for formal woman leadership and the other that puts women as deaconesses. Between the two it shows that the role of women in church can be organized into a third way.
Male/Female Leadership and Korah's Revolt: An Analogy?
How important is the issue of male and female leadership roles in church? Two New Testament passages, Galatians 3:28 and 1 Timothy 2:11-15, are compared to the revolt of Korah against Moses and Aaron in Numbers 16 to Numbers 18.
Hermeneutics and Women in the Church
This paper contends that the determining factor in approaching and resolving questions pertaining to the role of women in the church is hermeneutics. Passages that deal with this topic are identified: 1 Timothy 2:8-15, 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, 1 Corinthians 14:34-36, Ephesians 5:22-33, Colossians 3:18-19, and 1 Peter 3:1-7.
Some Reflections on Galatians 3:28, Sexual Roles and Biblical Hermeneutics
Galatians 3:28 plays an important role in the discussions about gender roles. Some matters of interpretation and hermeneutics are considered.
The Role of Women in the Church – Conclusions
Vive la Différence!: Reflections on Human Sexuality from the Old Testament Creation Tradition
This article discusses human sexuality, gender roles and gender differences. The author, Tim Meadowcroft, upholds the Old Testament creation tradition of complementary gender roles.
The roots of modern feminism
Gender Identity: A Christian Perspective
This article considers issues pertaining to gender identity. It provides the medical and legal classifications. Afterward, it evaluates the claims of transgenderism. From a Christian worldview, it looks at the relationship between sex and gender. Practical ways of living and implementing the Christian perspective on gender identity are suggested.
Rethinking the Female Status/Function Question: The Jew/Gentile Relationship as Paradigm
Is there a distinct role of women in church and society, according to Scripture? The main focus of this study is the distinction between female status and function when considering gender roles. The author considers whether the apostle Paul made any distinction between spiritual status and function in the church. The status of Gentiles in the church is used as a paradigm for comparison.
Women, Slaves, and the Gender Debate – The Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic
This chapter treats the gender debate that continues in the church today. Questions concerning the role of women in the church are not diminishing. On the one hand, complementarians argue that men and women are equal but have distinctive roles. On the other hand, egalitarians argue against making any role distinctions.
May Women Teach Sunday School?
The Bible clearly puts a limit on the teaching role of a woman. However, the author of this article distinguishes between the general and special teaching offices. This article shows that Scripture does not forbid women from teaching; however, it should not be at the expense of compromising the limits of Scripture. In addition, the woman must be submissive to the elders, and should not teach based on the false notion of the oppression of women.
Women's Ordination, Homosexuality and Abortion (Part 1)
Women's Ordination, Homosexuality and Abortion (Part 2)
"Biblical Hermeneutics: Basic Principles and Questions of Gender"
North American egalitarianism has developed a distinct hermeneutic of its own with regard to its interpretation of gender-related passages in Scripture. It is the purpose of this article to provide a response to the hermeneutical issues raised in chapters by Roger Nicole and Gordon Fee in the book "Discovering Biblical Equality".
After Patriarchy, What? Why Egalitarians Are Winning the Gender Debate
Moore states that debates over gender very seldom have to do just with roles in church offices or roles in the home. It often reflects little more than one’s larger stance in the Christian response to contemporary culture. Moore argues for a counter-cultural relevance of the Christian church. A vision is needed where male headship is understood in the light of the gospel of Christ and the restoration of all things in Christ.
Evangelicals and Gender Roles in the 1990s: 1 Timothy 2:8-15 – A Test Case
The intention of this article is to place the discussions on gender roles during the 1990s in a broader context. In the process 1 Timothy 2:8-15 is considered.
Colossians for Women: Living in Christ
Colossians for Women: Restored Relationships
Colossians for Women: Staying Focused on Jesus
The Role of Women in the Church: Women and the Prayer Meeting
Theological Foundations for Male-Female Relationships
The main thesis of this article is that we find in the Bible three insights that guide godly relationships between women and men. First, the author directs his readers to the mutuality within the triune God. The next insight is that the goal of male-female relationships is to reflect the very character of God. Finally, Grenz focuses on the means to godly relationships, i.e., empowering the other.
Wisdom Incarnate? Identity and Role of אשׁת־חיל ("The Valiant Woman") in Proverbs 31:10-31
What is the identity of the valiant woman in Proverbs 31:10-31? Should the life of the ancient successful woman be understood as speaking of social activities in Israel? Should it be limited to religious virtues relevant to Israel?