Treasuring Others
Have you realized that your brothers and sisters in Christ are one of your heavenly treasures, already for the here and now? This article explains that reality, and how it shapes your daily life, whether that's parenting, small talk, prayer, or confessing sin.
Truly Supernatural
The author notes some subtle ways in which believers lose the simple childlike faith in the involvement of God in the day-to-day matters we encounter. The author gives a brief explanation of some of these supernatural involvements and acts of God in our daily lives.
A Call to Heavenly-mindedness
This article is about the relation of hope and piety, and hope and worship. The promises of God and afterlife is also discussed.
Heaven: The Christian's Present and Future Home
The Reality of Heaven: Entering Sabbath Rest
The Forgotten Second Coming
This article asks what is at stake if the future-oriented dimension of the faith is overlooked. It suggests that we will forget that redemption is more than spiritual, we will lose perspective regarding the problem of evil in the world, and we will lack an appropriate context for personal holiness. But if our minds are on the second coming, then our churches will be all the healthier today.
Your Final Destination
Could it be that the struggles you face in daily life are connected to overlooking your final destination? This article identifies seven effects of neglecting to think about eternal life.
What Are You Waiting For?
This article summons many Scripture passages to show that our heart is to be wholly set on the hope of the return of Christ. It also illustrates this with an excerpt of a sermon by J.C. Ryle.
Hope: The Best of Things
What does it mean to have hope? Christian hope is differently from worldly hope. Based on Romans 15:8-13 this article shows that Christian hope in its nature is rooted in the faithfulness of God.
Reasons Why Christians Must not Seek Their Rest on Earth
Do I Long for Heaven?
At Home in the Heavenlies
The Reality of Heaven: The Church Triumphant
The Reality of Heaven: Ministering Angels
The Reality of Heaven: A Costly Confession
The Reality of Heaven
I Will See You Tomorrow!
The Christian motive for planning for the future is different from that of worldly planning. Proverbs 27:1 gives Christians a principle for planning for the future.
Theological Eschatology 5 - Heavenly Mindedness
Looking at Christian eschatology and how it shapes the hope we have, this article shows how this understand calls Christians to develop an ascetical practice in this life. This way of life is achieved through being heavenly minded. It is only in being heavenly minded that Christians can be or real use in this life. Read on...
He Sat Down
What are the things that blind us to the fact that we are needy? This article offers two issues, namely, self-justification and following the lies of Satan. These become hindrances to seeking God's forgiveness. But since Christ's sacrifice is complete, we can rest in and celebrate his grace for needy people.
2 Corinthians 5:1-8 – Where There's Hope, There's Life
This article explores the matter of Christian hope, through the lens of 2 Corinthians 5:1-8.