Christian Ethics and Pastoral Counseling

In pastoral counseling it may occur that church members confront the office-bearers with ethical questions. What are we to do and what are we not to do? The first thing is to listen. Try to enter into his/her situation. Try to gauge what personal questions may be hidden behind the 'problem.' Feel free to ask questions at various points in order to get a clearer picture (although you need to be careful not to interrupt all the time and get him/her off-track). Show that you are interested and trying to place yourself in his/her 'shoes.'

Compassion in a Broken World: The Powerful Support of God’s Spirit in Weakness

This article starts by focusing on God's help in our weaknesses, and specifically the support of the Holy Spirit in our weakness. Through the work of the Spirit we may have rest in the midst of unrest. The author then asks the question if we will always receive healing and if suffering will always be taken away from us.

The Biblical Counseling Movement – Introduction

This chapter introduces the history and significance of the biblical counselling movement associated with Jay Adams. Adams crossed swords with the established practice of referring members of the church to psychiatric and psychological experts without trying to take care of “their own.” That is, psychiatry replaced the pastorate’s jurisdiction over personal problems.