Foundations of Political Action
The article revisits one of the great works of Augustine of Hippo, City of God, and discusses some of its main themes: man's love for God and man's love for men that may include man's love for himself. These major lessons are based on the Lord's command to love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:37).
Patrick: Missionary to Ireland
The author provides a short history of Patrick, known as the "apostle of Ireland," indeed one of the most successful missionaries to Ireland. The article draws important lessons from the life of Patrick, including Christ's command to "love your enemies and do good to those who hate you" (Luke 6:27).
Amazing Grace
This author warns believers to be careful of some theologies of universalism or liberalism that, for example, teach us that God loves everyone the same. Instead, the Bible teaches a love for the redeemed, as well as another love for the unsaved.
Do I Not Hate Those Who Hate You, O Lord?
God has a right to call down judgment on his enemies. God hates unrighteousness. In the Psalms, the people of God express this judgment in their songs and prayers. This has nothing to do with personal vindictiveness, but rather foreshadows God's final judgment and is a call to return to God, who judges in righteousness.
Love Is a Command
Loving Yourself
Love Your Enemies Marks of a Healthy Church 9
The Bible and Self Love: Are Christians Commanded to Love Self?
Love is ...
This article shows that equating love with feelings is unbiblical, although love does include feelings. 1 Corinthians 13 describes Christian love as going beyond feelings - it is a doing motivated by the model of God's love.
Love in the Fellowship of Believers
Nothing, Without Love
This article is about the love of God and love in the church fellowship. 1 Corinthians 13 is also discussed.
Love Is in the Air
"Instead of standing firm in love, many Christians have been duped by the world’s definition of love, which proclaims self rather than sacrifice." This article looks at the love of God, the goodwill of God, and sacrificial love.
Transforming Love
A deeply distressed father sat for two weeks in a pediatric ICU, watching his three-year-old son slowly die. During those two weeks he read through, quite surprisingly, a book on the Gospel. He later wrote to me, “I want to say to you the Gospel really is for real life.” This article is about sin and the forgiveness of sin.
The Meanings of Love in the Bible
In this article, both the Old Testament and the New Testament are examined to discover the whole spectrum of the meaning of love in the Bible.
Hating Sin and the Sinner
Our Good Opinion of Ourselves
The Supreme Grace of Christian Love
The Critical Relationship Between Love and Law
The Gift of Love
Love and Its Correlatives
Must is Silver, Willing is Gold About obligation and willingness in the Christian life
Do you Love?
Loving in Truth
The Golden Rule
Seven Ways to Love People
As a Christian, you are commanded to love your neighbour. What are practical ways of doing so? This article list seven ways you can express love to others.
Love One Another
The Love You Don't Need
This article discusses the kind of love we need to show, in light of Ephesians 5:1-3.
The New Commandment and the Community It Creates
The Christian community is not something we create, but something we participate in. How? The Bible explains that it is by loving one another in God's church, because love is what characterizes the Christian community. This article explains what it means to grow together in this love.
Righteous Anger (Or Not)?
A Lover of God…or a Liar?
From John’s epistles this article shows that Christians fulfill the command to love only when they know that love is of God, love for God leads to love for saints, and this love cannot be hidden but expressed.
How "Love God and Others" Is a Backward Gospel
The call to love God and others is not the gospel message, but the summary of the law. The law exposes our inability to love God and others, and points us to Christ, through whose power we may now love as well.
Love is the desire of every human. Yet it is also one area where most fail. Why? This article explains that love can only flow from God's love.
Flipping God the Bird
Are you pointing your middle finger toward God? This article explains that humanity does this by nature, on account of its hatred of God.
Divine Command to Love
Why Are You Friends with Your Friends?
How can you tell if you have true friends? How can you tell if your friendship to others is true? This article answers.
Love's Beautiful Attributes and Activities
Characteristics of the Christian (2): Living Lovingly
Bibically, Christians are characterized by love. This article explains why Christian love is different from worldly love, and how this love can be cultivated among Christians.
Words of Love
Love in the Bible
What is the meaning of love? This article shows that love is a disposition implanted into needful human hearts by the prevailing grace of God. By it we are enabled to joyfully obey the revealed desires of our Creator, both toward the Lord himself and toward others. Without this work of God, man would remain doomed.
Loving God
Only Christians can obey Matthew 22:36-40, because Christians are the only people who are given a heart of flesh which is capable of loving God. This love for God serves as motive for obedience toward God.
Loving Your Neighbour
This article shows what it means to love your neighbour by pointing to the nature of biblical love modeled for us by God. This love is sacrificial, is not envious, and seeks the good of others.
Do You Love Me?
The Primacy of Love in the Christian Life
Loving God Without an Agenda
The author of this article calls Christians to love God for who He is, not only for what He gives. Psalm 150 shows that this can be done by praising God for what He has done and for who He is. Christians can better understand who God is by meditating on His attributes.
Truth and Love
Self-love and the Christian Counselor's Task
How is God's Love Experienced in the Heart?
How can I truly experience and feel God's love for me?
Brotherly Love
1 Timothy 4:12 – Be a Living Example of God's Living Love
Christian love cannot be hidden. From 1 Timothy 4:12 this article shows how a Christian can live a life of exemplary love.
What’s in It for Me? The Selfist Philosophy
1 John 4:7 - God's Example
Jonathan Edwards
Love – and it's Relations A Study on the First Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5
The Ultimate Encounter - Narcissism and the Kingdom of God
Through much of the history of the Church those who have articulated Christian doctrine have viewed narcissism as the original and fundamental human problem. Augustine declared that the "primal destruction of man was self-Iove". This article takes an in-depth view at the role of the "I" in the confrontation with the Kingdom of God, where the most important one is the one who know how to be a servant.
Biblical Attitudes to Romantic Love
What is romantic love? This study says it refers to the love of two persons of the opposite sex for one another, understood and expressed in terms of attraction and devotion. This love includes delight and joy in appreciation of each other, including the sexual and physical aspects. The study offers a fresh look at the Bible's understanding of romantic love especially in relation to courtship and marriage.
The Mandate: Love Our Enemies Matt. 5:43-48
Nolland studies Matthew 5:43-48 and other key texts that highlights the command to love our enemies as a priority in Christian discipleship. He further sheds light on Jesus’ teaching by setting it in the wider context not only of Matthew’s gospel but also of the ancient world and the Old Testament. He demonstrates that, without being critical of the Old Testament, Jesus radically extends its teaching.