Cultivating a Christian Mind
No Other Name
The Doctrine of Creation
The doctrine of creation tells us that God is not only the origin of all things, but also the center of all things. This understanding of creation as recorded in Genesis 1 is important to guard you against three lies: autonomy, relativism, and self-sufficiency.
Ours is a yin-yang society. This article shows that just like the yin-yang our society has embraced relativism. The article shows what this means for religion, morality and sexuality and gender.
What Is Truth? (On the Nature and Importance of Truth Today)
If truth is what corresponds to reality, what should be the Christian answer to the claims of postmodernism, relativism, and pragmatism?
Relativity, Moral Relativism, and the Modern Age
Should Albert Einstein be blamed for moral relativism? This article looks at the connection between Einstein's theory of relativity and moral relativism.
Whither Theological Inclusivism? The Development and Critique of an Evangelical Theology of Religions
What is the relationship between the Christian faith and other religions? What is a good biblical theology of religions? In this paper, the author goes into a dialogue with the inclusivism views of Clark Pinnock. Yong argues that there is a lurking danger of relativism in the critique of Pinnock against exclusivism.
Current Hermeneutical Trends: Toward Explanation or Obfuscation?
Thomas writes in the context of what he perceived to be a new movement toward change in understanding the exegetical and hermeneutical task. He notes a confusion and proposes to indicate a number of reasons for this confusion. He indicates new and conflicting definitions of what hermeneutics is and point out the roots of the new subjectivism and relativism.
Some Problems in Hermeneutics for Contemporary Evangelicals
The work of Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wilhelm Dilthey, and Hans-Georg Gadamer introduced elements of subjectivity and relativism into the discussion of the theory of interpretation (hermeneutics). This essay wants to describe and comment on some of these issues of hermeneutics that need some honest confrontation.
Choice at the Moldy Buffet
Relativism is not just an idea. It manifests itself in a lifestyle. This article shows how relativism leads to the god of choice.
Missions: Understanding Our Times
Cults ‘R’ Us
It is becoming increasingly difficult to use the word "cult" from a Christian point of view. This is because those who have been lured by the culture of relativism (including Christians) have developed their own definition of a cult, which is identified as a religious group that stands on the truths of the Word of God.
The Centrality of the Gospel
From Galatians 2:14 this article shows that all of life should be in line with the gospel. However, moralism and relativism steal this call from believers.
Two Views of Law
Symphonic Theology: In Defense of Symphonic Theology
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. Applying the theory of perspectivism to reading the Bible, the author of this article shows that perspectivism should not be equated to relativism. Perspectivism does not hold all perspectives to be equal, but instead upholds the principle of unity in diversity.
Standing as the Pillar
Intolerable Tolerance
This article is about tolerance, relativism, and standing up for your beliefs.
A Reforming Reformed Church
This article is about the reformation of the church. The author also discusses relativism and traditionalism in the church, church separation, the relevance of the church, and he looks at the church through the ages.