Mission Principles: The Calling
God’s Heart for the World
The Missionary God of the Old Testament
Being a Missionary Church God, the Church, and the World
God's Covenant Established With all Nations
Looking at the covenant God made with Abraham, this article shows how from the Old Testament God wanted to reach all nations in Christ. The author shows what this means for the church's mission work.
John’s Trinitarian Mission Theology
The essay seek to demonstrate the following: (1) The Gospel of John's mission theology is an integral part of his presentation of Father, Son, and Spirit; and (2) rather than John’s mission theology being a function of his Trinitarian theology, the converse is actually the case: John’s presentation of Father, Son,and Spirit is a function of his mission theology.
Jesus the Evangelist
Jonah 3:10-4:1 – Stretch Your Mind, Jonah!
Truth with a Mission: Reading All Scripture Missiologically
Mission is not something the church does. Mission finds its basis in God, who is missional. This article shows how the Bible is a record of the mission of God and how to read it in that light. It draws the implications this has for the church for mission work.
Toward a Theology of Movement: Summary
This article shows how church planting movements are rooted in understanding God's movement from glory to greater glory of the coming kingdom. The author identifies seven aspects of God's movement from glory to greater glory, and discusses how each shapes an understanding of church planting and how each may address needs in different cultures and contexts.