Theology and Music
Criteria For Judging Rock Music
After showing that rock music is a form of cultural expression, this article calls for a criteria to evaluate rock music. Christians often fail to understand rock music. The author shows that looking for technical excellence, integrity, aesthetic expression, political expression and moral scope in rock music can be a way of evaluating it.
Music for the Christian Rock or Not
Rock Music and the Question of Neutrality
Christian Rock Music
Various Approaches to Rock
What is Music?
Christian Music Scene Demonstrates Evangelicalism's Demise
Song, Glorious Song Music, the Food of Heavenly Love, is Our destiny – Now and Forever
A Brief History of Joy to the World
This article provides a history of the Christmas carol "Joy to the World," and some thoughts on how the joy of God flows from us into the world.
A Reformed Guide to Western Classical Music
This article concentrates on music in the Western "classical" tradition, and evaluates from a Reformed perspective.
Sing for Strength
Music is God's gift to His people. Just like any other gift, however, it can be used for good or evil. This article distinguishes between good and bad music. The author also appeals to young people to use the natural instrument which God gave - the voice - in order to sing unto the Lord in the worship service.