David's Jerusalem
The map is a three-dimensional presentation of the City of David, and it identifies in particular the Kidron Valley, the Gihon Springs and the Central Valley, the Fortress and David's palace are also marked.
The map is a three-dimensional presentation of the City of David, and it identifies in particular the Kidron Valley, the Gihon Springs and the Central Valley, the Fortress and David's palace are also marked.
The map shows the relief features of Jerusalem, including the locations of the the City of David, the Temple Mount (also formerly known as Mount Moriah), the Kidron Valley, Mount of Olives, and the Hinnom Valley.
This map shows an outline of Jerusalem as understood from the Bible in the time of Old Testament Israel, with its so called "seven hills."
This map shows the routes followed by David while he fled from Saul. It also identifies locations of biblical events during this time.
This map shows the extent of the kingdom of King Saul, who ruled over Israel from around 1000 BC to the time when he was defeated by the Philistines on Mount Gilboa.
This map indicates major places identified in the biblical account of Samuel's ministry to Israel as judge.