School Sport Success: What does it look like?

Kids want to play and want to learn. A successful program must facilitate both. Schools must ensure that sports are in the school for kids to play. Let’s ensure that students hear, “Play Ball!” – and not just in words. For a sports program to be a success, directors, coaches, and parents must ensure that the stu­dents are enjoying their learning to play in a program that values physical training, but values godliness even more.

Children and Athletics

When a ball gets involved in anything, emotions easily run high. Some Christian parents get fired up on behalf of their Little Leaguers, while oth­ers get spiritually stressed out at the very thought of competition. Is athletic competition right or wrong in itself? We must never forget that the Bible alone determines the boundaries of sin. Not once in Scripture is there a hint that athletic competition should be considered as immoral or sinful.