Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Gifts and Workings of the Spirit
What about Prophecy and Tongues Today?
Many Gifts, One Body
What does it mean that believers have differing gifts, and yet are members of one body? This article discusses the various roles of members of the congregation and the leadership of the pastor. Each member is critical for the proper functioning of the whole body, the church.
Testing Today’s Prophecy: Does Today’s Prophecy Measure up to Biblical Standards?
Are Charismatic Gifts for Today?
Is the Charismatic movement a gift of God to His church? Has God revisited His church with special gifts through the Charismatic movement? The author's answer is a big NO. The special gifts of the Holy Spirit must be understood in line with salvation history. God gave these gifts to authenticate the ministry of the apostles, not as signs of regeneration. Through the Spirit, Christ continues His work in His church through the ordinary means of grace.
Concerning Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)
Looking at spiritual gifts, this article shows that a distinction must be made between talent and spiritual gifts. Another distinction must be made between sign gifts and non-sign gifts. Sign gifts were given during the era of the apostles. Today God uses non-sign gifts to build His church.
Prophecy Today?
Prophecy Today?
The Charismatic Church Each church of Christ is a charismatic church
A Defined Area for Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts
Natural and Supernatural Gifts About the gifts of the Spirit and the personality and talents of the believer
Spiritual Gifts in the Church Today
Gifts and Fruit
John Owen on Spiritual Gifts
Gifts of the Spirit are those without which the church cannot subsist in the world, nor believers be useful to one another and the rest of mankind. Gifts of the Spirit give the church its inward organic life and its outward visible form. This article is an expansion of this definition by John Owen.
Are Our Churches Charismatic? An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Questions and Answers About Healing, Tongues, and Prophecy
The Threefold Purpose of Spiritual Gifts (Part 2)
Distinguishing between miraculous "sign gifts" and "normal" spiritual gifts, this article shows that extraordinary sign gifts were given to the apostles for the purpose of authentication, for uniting the church, and for the edification of the church. These spiritual gifts are no longer given to the church today because God's revelation is complete. God works in His church today through non-sign gifts.
The Forgotten Gifts of the Holy Spirit Creative Arts
The Forgotten Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Forgotten Gifts of the Holy Spirit Women as Teachers/Disciples
Fathers of the Early Church on the Special Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Peace from the Holy Spirit
Strange Fire & Miraculous Gifts
This article considers how the charismatic movement defines key spiritual gifts. It defines the relevant terms, considers the gifts in the New Testament, discusses the criteria Scripture gives for evaluating someone's claim to be a prophet, looks at how the contemporary version of the gift of tongues matches the biblical data, and concludes by considering the gift of healing.
Prophecy–Yes, but Teaching—No: Paul's Consistent Advocacy of Women's Participation without Governing Authority
Are teaching and prophecy the same activity in a New Testament context? Grudem argues that they are distinct activities. He explores the nature of New Testament prophecy and teaching. Relevant passages include 1 Corinthians 11 and 1 Corinthians 14.
Strange Fire & Modern Prophecy
This article evaluates the modern gift of prophecy that the charismatic movement claims, in the light of the Word of God. It defines terms, speaks about how to recognize a false prophet, shows how charismatics rationalize fallible prophecy, and provides charismatic objections raised in response. It shows how the charismatic position is at odds with the sufficiency of Scripture.
Christian Prophecy and Canon in the Second Century: A Response to B.B. Warfield
B.B. Warfield dealt with New Testament prophecy and how that gift should be regarded in a post-apostolic era. He argued that there was a link between the completion of the canon and the eclipse of the prophetic charisma at the close of the first century.
The Pentecostal Initial Evidence Doctrine
Is speaking in tongues (glossalia) evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit? This is a claim of the Pentecostal movement. This paper wants to understand the meaning of this "doctrine" and see whether there is any support for it from the New Testament.
Calvin and the Spiritual Gifts
This paper is an examination of John Calvin's understanding of spiritual gifts, in the light of the impact of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement.
One Man's Pilgrimage
New Perspectives on the Church and Charismatic Gifts?
Modern Spiritual Gifts as Analogous to Apostolic Gifts: Affirming Extraordinary Works of the Spirit within Cessationist Theology
Poythress wants to maintain that modern gifts of the Spirit are analogous to but not identical with the gifts exercised by the apostles. He wants to maintain an exclusive divine authority of the biblical canon. These gifts are still useful to the church; therefore, he seeks a middle way between blanket approval and rejection of modern charismatic gifts.
Richard Gaffin and Wayne Grudem on 1 Corinthians 13:10: A Comparison of Cessationist and Noncessationist Argumentation
Does the gift of prophecy continue after the apostolic period? The interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13:10 plays a significant role in this discussion. This author compares Richard Gaffin's and Wayne Grudem's interpretations of this verse, and hopes to expose an oversight of Grudem. He considers their interpretations of the coming of "the perfect."
Confusing Word and Concept in “Spiritual Gifts”: Have We Forgotten James Barr’s Exhortations?
This article's concern is a better understanding of the word "charisma" in its different contexts in the New Testament (e.g., 1 Corinthians 12). It argues that scholarship has not adequately appropriated the linguistic insights of James Barr, in particular his concerns to distinguish word and concept. The author warns against the influence of a popular theological understanding that "spiritual gifts" are Spirit-given abilities.