The Lord's Prayer (Part 1): Our Father
This is the first article in a seven part series on the Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer can be used as a model for our prayer. Most important in prayer is our attitude toward God. Here we are encouraged to approach God as our Father in heaven. At the same time, we are reminded that His Name is glorious and deserves to be honoured through our lives (the first petition).
The Focus of Prayer: For the Glory of God
Ethical Dimensions of the Lord's Prayer: Hallowed Be Thy Name
Hallowed Be Thy Name
When we pray, "Hallowed be your Name," what are we praying for? We want to see God's glory revered in our lives and the lives of others. Thie article shows how this prayer shapes discipleship.
The Driving Force of Your (Prayer) Life
This article discusses the first petition of the Lord's Prayer, "Hallowed be your name." It shows why this first petition is first.
The Correct Way to Pray
This article offers concrete suggestions for praying through the first three petitions of the Lord's Prayer.