Dripping Like a Leaky Faucet
This article looks at the relationship between the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the sufficiency and authority of scripture. It shows that the Holy Spirit uses scripture to illuminate our minds to God's truth, and that God does not give extra revelation to what we already have in scripture.
Guidance from the Lord
God Guides the Humble
Led by the Spirit
Looking at Galatians 5:18-21, this article shows that a Christian life is a life which is led by the Spirit. Being led by the Spirit presupposes regeneration, and it involves fighting the flesh and living under the truth of the gospel.
Lead by the Spirit
How does God guide? This article explains that alongside special revelation, guidance for the Christian must have as its two reference points the mind of Christ and Christian prudence. Further, the author explains how this is relevant for a very comprehensive theology of guidance, one that involves three principles: always observe the general rules of the Word, be guided by the light of nature, and use our minds.