The Revelation of God in Christ Reflections on Hebrews 1:1-3
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Articles 1–3
How God’s Revelation Should Impact Me
The Speaking Voice
The article considers the revelation of God in his revealed word. It observes that God's voice is the voice of wisdom commonly heard in the Old Testament. The author objects to the tendency to make this word only a doctrinal manual rather than a real, compassionate voice from the living God.
How Can We Know God?
From John 8:19-24 Jesus shows that the revelation of God is in him. This article argues this by pointing to the biblical evidence that the key to knowing God is knowing Jesus Christ.
The Bible and God's Revelation in History
The article considers the modes of the revelation of God that he uses: the Bible, history, and the relationship between deed and word in revelation.
Revelation: Forbidden to Add to or Subtract From God's Word
Two sins can be committed against the revelation of God: subtracting from His revelation, and adding to His revelation. This article discusses both of these sins and the ways in which they are committed.
Perspective On The Word Of God: The Media Of The Word Of God
This article shows that the Word of God comes to us through God's actions, human words, and through persons. The author discusses the relationship between this means of the revelation of God and the Bible.
Christianity and Philosophy
Psalm 74:9 – Seeing the Signs
What Does God Reveal in the Grand Canyon?
This article is about science and the general revelation of God in creation. Belgic Confession, Article 2 is discussed. Other things discussed in this article is the relation of faith and science, and of general revelation as revelation of God.