Box jellyfish: Potent paradoxes

For biologists there are no simple topics or uncomplicated organisms or situations to deal with anymore. Nowhere is this more apparent than in re­cent discoveries concerning cubozoans or box jellyfish. Although they may be beautiful in appearance, jellyfish are predators armed with uniquely nasty stinging cells. Apart from these special cells however, jellyfish initially were considered to be simple in structure. Despite this apparently simple struc­ture, these organisms are not simple blobs.

Understanding the Biblical Account of Creation

Every Sunday we hear the words echo in our churches: "In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is" (Ex. 20:11). A synodicalty approved publication of the Free Reformed Churches appropriately includes the statement that "We believe that the days in the creation account in Genesis 1, are twenty-four hour days."1 The Bible teaches that God created the entire universe in six normal days, only a few thousand years ago.

Our Father and His Creation

This article argues that in line with the biblical teaching, creation should be regarded as the work of God the Father. It explains what it means to call God the Father. Looking at his work of creation, it deals with the meaning of "out of nothing," the duration of creation, and the creation of things visible and invisible. The claims of evolution and theistic evolution are evaluated.