The Tongue Small, Yet Great
The Inconsistency of the Tongue
Therefore, Go
The article provides a reminder to believers on the dangers and difficulties involved in the work of discipleship and evangelism. This includes the importance of understanding the depths of the grace of God towards sinners who may still continue to sin even after being converted, and indeed the believer's attitude towards sin.
The Beginning of the Path
This article is an aid for helping to mentor a new believer. It encourages the mentor to help the new Christian understand that life will be different, and eventually difficult, because of his commitment to following Christ.
The Christian: A Disciple Fourth in Series: What Is a Christian?
Christian Discipleship
The Duty of Discipleship Edifying the Church Inter-generationally
A Disciple's Disposition
Ten Results of Poor Discipleship in the Church
This article points out ten results of poor discipleship in the church.
How Not to Fix the Discipleship Problem in a Church
There is a way of addressing church stagnation and lack of discipleship in the church. Here are nine wrong ways of addressing the issue.
Avoid Making Disciples of Yourself
How do you make disciples who are zealous to truly follow Christ? It is through a balanced discipleship. This article offers three areas in which balance must be kept.
How Preaching Makes Disciples
This article addresses the question "How do we disciple?" by considering discipleship by preaching. All disciples are formed and strengthened by preaching.
What Is a Disciple, Anyway?
This article attempts to define what a disciple is. It evaluates a number of definitions before coming to its own.
Integrating Counselling and Discipleship in the Local Church
This article speaks to the importance of integrating discipleship and counselling in the local church. It lists three benefits of bringing the two together.
Why Women Should Go beyond Titus 2
This article encourages women to consider all of Scripture, not merely Titus 2:3-5, when it comes to discipleship relationships. The author explains what gospel-centred, whole-Bible discipleship entails, and how this shapes women's ministry.
Your Church Doesn't Need Followers
This article offers five signs that a church might be making disciples of the church rather than of Christ.
Nine Myths of Discipleship
If you are not committed to discipleship, did you know that the reason may be that you believe one of the nine myths of discipleship that this article unpacks?
Four Principles for Disciples Who Last
How do we become disciples who last? This article discusses four ways we can develop discipleship perseverance, in an effort to make mature disciples.
A Case for Public Discipleship
Is discipleship merely about knowledge transfer? This article argues that discipleship needs to be aware that our gospel begins not with the fall, but with creation and the cultural mandate. Thus, not only one's private life needs to be discipled, but also one's public live. Understanding the goodness of creation will foster engagement in the world.
Daily Taking Up Your Cross
Nine Reasons to Prioritize One-on-One Discipleship
This article gives nine reasons why the church ought to prioritize one-on-one discipleship, for the good of the church.
Four Essentials For Cultivating Disciples
This article offers four essentials for cultivating discipleship in the church: storytelling, the gathering of the church, the church in the world, and family worship.
Five Ways to Cultivate a Multiplying Culture
How do you cultivate a church environment where discipleship is rooted in a circle of disciples discipling others? In Acts 11 and Acts 13, the church in Antioch gives the essence of a multiplying culture. This article explains that there are five things essential to multiplying disciples.
Short-Term Trips, Long-Term Discipleship
Long-term discipleship is the key to preparing believers for a short-term mission. This preparation should consist of gospel clarity, spiritual integrity, cultural agility, and team unity.
Discipling the Discipled
Is discipleship a once-off thing? Is there a time when discipling others should stop, and how do you help those who think they have been discipled enough? This article explains that discipleship is a lifelong process, and those discipled still need discpling. It shows four ways in which this can be done.
Let’s Get Real about Women’s Discipleship
If discipleship is about helping others follow Jesus, where should one start when looking to foster discipleship of women? This article offers three things to consider.
"Spiritual Poverty" Is a Prerequisite to Discipleship
Spiritual poverty is the key to discipleship. How? It is spiritual poverty that drives us to Christ and it is the same poverty that prompts us to direct others to Christ.
Fixing Our Discipleship Deficiency
This article suggests that discipleship has always been the Lord Jesus' primary plan for the church, even though many churches lack this practice. The author considers how to build a disciple-making church.
This article offers ten key issues that must shape the church in thinking about discipleship.
Women at the Cross
This article discusses how the women at the cross of Christ become models for every disciple.
Core Foundational Beliefs of Discipleship
Making disciples is a command of Christ. Therefore, it must be intentional, with the aim of making followers of Christ who are instructed in Christ's way. These are the core beliefs of discipleship.
Core Foundational Practices of Discipleship
Making disciples is a responsibility of the church. This article lays down the biblical ground for this call and the manner in which discipleship should be pursued by the church.
To Be a Christian Is to Follow Jesus
On Learning Discipleship
Discipleship training is a process. Like physical training there are things that must characterize discipleship. This article discusses seven characteristics of discipleship training.
"Son of Man" Imagery – Some Implications for Theology and Discipleship
Longenecker focuses in this article on the designation in the Gospels of Jesus Christ as Son of Man. The author argues that a good understanding of this designation has important implications for Christian discipleship.
Do We Need Mentors?
The Duty of Discipleship: Edifying the Church Inter-Generationally
Sola Scriptura: Conflict & Triumph
This article shows that adhering to the confession of sola scriptura can result in persecution; in fact, the author proposes that there will be persecution. Pointing to history and biblical evidence, the author explains why this must be so. However, we can also look forward to triumph.
Essential Things
Looking at the basics of Christian faith, this article shows that recognizing the authority of Christ and His kingship is vital, and has implications for discipleship.
Christ's School
Looking at Matthew 11:28-30, this article shows that to be a disciple of Christ means being in His school and learning from Him.
A Disciple's Disposition
This article discusses the meaning of discipleship, presenting the life of Paul as a example of the attitude of a disciple of Christ.
Biblical Ignorance
Six Lessons from Everyday Discipleship
How can you be committed to everyday discipleship? This article shares six lessons to help you get started and persevere in this endeavour.
Killing the Lone Ranger
This article explains that individualism is a threat to discipleship, because discipleship happens in a community rooted in the gospel.
Being Misunderstood for the Kingdom
Life as a sinner with other sinners is challenging and messy. How shall we respond to one another when misunderstanding happens? This article points to Christ as the picture of what ministry and discipleship look like: they involve being misunderstood and being vulnerable.
Making Disciples at Home
Parenting is part of discipleship. This article is a call to churches to partner with parents and equip parents to make disciples at home. The article discusses the different ways the church can be involved in this ministry of equipping parents.
The Missing Component in Most Discipleship Strategies
Is your discipleship strategy missing something? This article argues that many churches' discipleship strategies lack Jesus' plan for making disciples.
Communication: Discipleship Involves Learning
This article teaches on the demands of discipleship: learning, loving, and living. Christ communicates with the disciple and the disciple experiences communion with Christ. The rest of the article discusses in detail these aspects of discipleship.
Follower, Disciple, or Student?
Essential Things
Following Jesus Together
What is a disciple? A disciple is a follower. Discipleship is geared at making people followers of Christ. This article explains the goal of discipleship and the responsibility to disciple.
The Meaning of Christian Discipleship
Discipleship is what the church is called to. This article explains what it means to be a disciple.
A Disciple
One danger facing the church today is the belief in napoleonism - that God works only through the big movements, charismatic individuals, etc. However, God also works through His church, through small things and weak people.
Christian Discipleship in a Postmodern World
Wells reflects on Christian discipleship in our contemporary postmodern world. He first wants to characterize the present context of globalized postmodernity. Wells next considers three facets which are important to Christian discipleship: truth, authenticity, and a global vision.
"Known by God": The Meaning and Value of a Neglected Biblical Concept
Being known by God is a critical concept in the Bible. It is, however, neglected in exegesis and theology. This article wants to revive interest in the theme by reflecting on its definition and considering its pastoral function in the Bible. Being known by God is roughly equivalent to three related ideas: belonging to God, being loved or chosen by God, and being a child of God.
Luke 14:25-33 – The Idolatry of Family
This article unpacks the meaning of Christ's instruction in Luke 14:25-33 that we should "hate" our fathers, mothers, wives, children, brothers and sisters, even our own lives. Our love for Christ must be so great that by comparison, our love for our own families would actually look like hatred.