The Log of Hyper-Calvinism

Hyper-Calvinism is not what we call people who are really passionate about being Reformed. Those are what we called "cage phase" people in seminary: new to the Reformed faith from a wilderness of theological and ecclesiastical confusion, often fundamentalism or Arminianism. The kind of folks whose newfound purpose was not only to show why they're right, but also why everyone else is wrong. Yet that is not what we mean by hyper-Calvinism.

The Tongue Small, Yet Great

According to one Japanese proverb, "The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high..."1 How true it is that words have great potential to change our lives forever! One reason that this is so is because we use our words to accomplish so many different things. With the same mouth, we pronounce both words of blessing and words of cursing. God's Word, however, exhorts us to be consistent in our speech. Just as we seek to honor God consistently with our thinking and feelings, we must also seek to honor God with our speaking.

The Inconsistency of the Tongue

According to one Japanese proverb, "The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high..."1 How true it is that words have great potential to change our lives forever! One reason that this is so is because we use our words to accomplish so many different things. With the same mouth, we pronounce both words of blessing and words of cursing. God's Word, however, exhorts us to be consistent in our speech. Just as we seek to honor God consistently with our thinking and feelings, we must also seek to honor God with our speaking.