The Grown Up Church
Godly Violence and the Cross
God’s Leading: Pitfalls
Knowing God's Will Through Scripture
The Secret Will of God
Where are you looking for the will of God? This article explains that seeking God's guidance from his secret will is going to lead to confusion. Instead, resting on his revealed will is what leads you to his loving guidance.
Wisdom Along the Way Finding God’s Will is neither so Vital nor Difficult as Many Think
Committed Surrender
The author traces the growing trend where commitment is being pushed aside in today's popular culture, with respect to dating, marriage, as well as one's faith to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Guidance: Practical Principles for Finding God's Will
Biblical Decision-Making: Is it God’s Will to Find His Will?
Hurting People's Feelings Or "The Pathos Game"
Looking at the relationship between intellect, will and emotions, this article shows that the Reformed view has formed a hierarchy of the three with the intellect at the top. Looking at the biblical evidence, the author shows that there is no ground for this hierarchy. The author maintains that Scripture addresses emotions, and based on this he urges Christians to care about the feelings of others.
Modern Lunacy
"I Think"
Knowing the Will of God
Seven Steps to Knowing the Will of God
How can you know the will of God? This article provides seven steps.
"Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?"
What You Need to Know About God's Plan for Your Life
What is the plan of God for your life? There are four things you need to know about God's plan for your life: his plan is older than we can imagine, better than we can dream, more expansive than we can grasp, and beyond our ability to fathom, because it is the plan of salvation.
Rethinking Christian Calling
Is your work a calling from God? Are you called by God to marry the person you want to marry? What does it mean to be called by God? While the Bible uses the word in different ways, this article examines the invoking of a "calling from God" to affirm decisions.
How Do You Discern God’s Guidance?
How does God give guidance? God's guidance can only be received through the Bible and prayer. What role do the advice of others, circumstances, and reason play? This article argues that they have a role as long as they lead us back to God's Word.
Know Your Doctrine
Doctrine is important for equipping the believer to live a life pleasing to God. This article explains the need to know doctrine and the relationship of doctrine to the Christian life.
What Do You Do with the Will of God?
God has made his will known. How should Christians respond to the will of God? This article gives fives ways.
Toward a Hermeneutic for Discerning Universal Moral Absolutes
It is not always easy to discern the will of God for our lives in diverse situations. The author of this article, however, is convinced that universal moral absolutes do exist, that God has revealed them to us, and that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the use of good hermeneutics and exegesis we can discern them.
Reading God’s Providence
What does God want me to do? This is a question that arises when facing a challenging situation or after one has happened. This article gives three warnings and three guidelines to reading God's providence in the search for guidance.
Paths of Righteousness
The Ministry of the Spirit in Discerning the Will of God
Knowing God's will and following his guidance should not be a superstitious exercise. It should be the result of the work of the Holy Spirit as he works renewal in the believer, through the Word, applying it to concrete life situations in the context of godly advice. In this way believers are able to have good discernment. This is what the article explains.
Radar or Compass?
Doctrine Applied
Pitfalls in Finding God's Will for Your Life
How am I to know the will of God concerning my life? God makes His will clear by his Spirit through His Word. This article discusses some pitfalls of using other methods to discover God's will.
Finding God's Will for Your Life
How do You Know God’s Will for Your Life?
While Adam chose to say 'no' to God by choosing to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:16), in Christ we are enabled to say 'yes' to God as we find joy in obeying Him.
Lord, Where Do I Go From Here?
When seeking God's guidance, one big pitfall to avoid is dividing life into big things (for which we want God's attention) and small things (for which we don't ask God's guidance). Believers should try seek out what is pleasing to God instead of focusing on trying to derive His specific will and plan for their life. This article calls for a life of obedience.
Taking the Wrong Turning
Living the Christian life should be based on the revealed will of God, not His secret or eternal will. God's revealed will can be known through His word. This article is a warning against trying to live one's life based on God's secret will.
What About Fleeces?
Competition And Creation
Th author of this article maintains that competition is not something we can avoid. This thinking is rooted in the creation mandate in the call for dominion over the world. Believers are instruments in God's hands through which His kingdom will be realized. Believers are certain of their victory in Christ as they compete against the works of the evil one - this is the competition they are engaged in.
The Better Question Believers Should Ask about God's Will
To know the will of God is every Christian's desire. This article explains that when looking to know God's will, the first question to ask is not, "What should I do?" but "Who should I be?"
Decision Making and the Will of God
How do you discern the will of God? This article gives two answers to this question, showing how God does not reveal himself and how He does reveal himself.
Beware the Tyranny of Experts
Fighting the Good Fight
The article reviews some of the works of B.B Warfield, giving special attention to Warfield's critique of the teaching of perfectionism.
Situation Ethics
Perspectives On The Word Of God: The Word Of God And Christian Ethics
Evaluating existential ethics, teleological ethics and deontological ethics, this article shows that Christian ethics differs from all these as it has the Word of God as its starting point. The application of God's Word provides answers to the challenges of other ethics.
Discovering God's Will: Paley's Problem with Special Reference to "the Christian Sabbath"
This article wants to consider the value of William Paley (1743-1805), Archdeacon of Carlisle, as Christian ethicist. Paley propagated theological utilitarianism that raises fundamental questions about the relationship between faith and ethics. Paley's problem was how to discover the will of God.
Euthyphro, Hume, and the Biblical God
This article looks at the relationship between the goodness of God and His nature. God is good in His nature, and therefore He can command and ask from us to be good. This argument is applied to the relationship between normative and descriptive behavior in ethics.