Dimness or Fidelity?
The author discusses the teachings that deny the virgin birth of Christ, identifying them as heretical. The author argues that Scripture witnesses sufficiently to the virgin birth.
Born of the Virgin Mary
This article attempts to answer the question as to why Jesus had to be both God and man. It discusses how the human nature and the divine nature are united in the mystery of the incarnation.
The Incarnate Word
Christ's Royal Incarnation
The Real Story of Christmas
What is the big deal about Christmas? The article discusses what God has done in history that makes the church celebrate Christmas the way we do.
Four Problems the Incarnation of God Solves
What is the reason for the incarnation? This article lists four problems that the incarnation of the Son of God solves.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Incarnation
The incarnation refers to the fact that Jesus has come to earth in the flesh. This article names ten things you need to know about the incarnation.
The Virgin Birth of Christ
This article considers the ways in which the incarnation of Christ was supernatural.
Jesus and His Mother
This article is about the virgin Mary and the incarnation and birth of Jesus.
Why Did God Become a Man?
This article discusses the incarnation of Jesus based on the text of Luke 19:10. The author expounds the reason that Jesus became man; namely, in order to seek and to save the lost.
The Wonder of Christmas
The Miracle of Immanuel
Immanuel and the Virgin Birth
And the Word Became Flesh
When the Time Had Fully Come
The Virgin Birth
The Birth of the Second Adam
Virgin Birth
Three False Teachings about Jesus
The doctrine of the incarnation has not been always accepted well by some in the church. This article explains how Docetism, Arianism, and Nestorianism denied the incarnation.
Five Non-Negotiables from the Church Fathers on the Incarnation
What should one believe about the incarnation of Jesus Christ? Here are five things from the church fathers that cannot be negotiated on the matter.
Loving the Incarnation John 1:1-5, 14-18; 1 John 1:1-4
Christmas, Controversies, and Christ
This article discusses how the doctrine of the incarnation of Christ has been under attack from the very beginning, particularly by the Ebionites, Gnostics, and Arians. It goes on to show that the Scriptures are very clear on the twofold reality that Christ is God with us, for the sake of our salvation.
Incarnation in the City
To understand the reason for the incarnation of Christ, one must understand the holiness of God. Both the holiness of God and the incarnation of Christ must shape how Christians live in the city. The article draws five implications of the incarnation for the Christian life.
Why the Virgin Conception?
Why was the virgin conception of Christ necessary? This article outlines five reasons.
The Peculiar Glory of the Incarnation
This article reflects on the wondrous conjunction of the excellencies in Christ as the God-man, the Word made flesh. As examples, it ponders how the uncreated Creator was created, or how the fountain of living waters knew what it was to become thirsty.
To Be, or Not to Be and "Incarnational" Ministry, That Is the Question
This article considers the popular phrase "incarnational" ministry and finds it wanting. It is misleading, inaccurate, distracting, unnecessary, and confusing.
The Deity of Jesus Christ
In this article the author sets out to argue from Scripture the deity of Christ. The author thus refutes in the process the claims of the Jehovah's Witnesses, reflected in their New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. The author goes on to emphasize the importance of the deity of Christ for the believer.
Christmas Is for the Poor and Humble
By showing the humble origins of the gospel—in Nazareth, in the life of a poor peasant girl—this article points out that the good news of Christmas is for the poor and humble.
Scandalous Christmas
This article considers the incarnation of the Lord Jesus, particularly the scandal of the virgin conception and birth, and how God does not always do things the way we think he should.
Why Were Gold, Incense, and Myrrh Appropriate Gifts for Jesus?
When the Lord Jesus was born, the wise men brought him gifts. What was the significance of these gifts? This article weighs in, and discusses how by faith we may present the same kinds of gifts.
Lessons from a Saviour in a Manger
What does God want to teach us in the sending of his Son in lowly circumstances? This article offers three lessons.
Why We Know So Little about Jesus’ Birth
God does not give us all the details we want, but he always gives us the details we need. Can this explain why we know so little about the birth of Christ and the life of Christ? The article addresses this question.
The Incarnation: Jesus Fully God and Fully Man
Why is Jesus the only Saviour? The answer to this question is found in the truth of the incarnation. It is through the incarnation that the challenge of the atonement is met, for it is only one who is both God and man who can truly atone for sin.
Christ: One Mediator with Two Natures
Will the Real Athanasius Please Stand Up?
Case wants to take a fresh look at one of the early church fathers, Athanasius. He focuses on how Athanasius relied upon Scripture in his work, The Incarnation of the Word of God. He notes the influence of Justin Martyr, the Apostolic Fathers, and Irenaeus.
Why was Jesus baptized? The baptism of Jesus was a sign that he was identifying himself with us. How? This article explains.
Incarnation: God Sent His Son to Save Us
This article shows how the human and divine nature of Christ relate by pointing to Scripture and the confession of the church through the Council of Nicaea and Council of Chalcedon.
Christ's Miraculous Birth
Why was Christ's miraculous birth necessary? And why must we hold so strongly onto this doctrine of the virgin birth?
Incarnation and Open Theism
What is open theism? Open theism denies that God has ordained the course of events. It therefore minimizes God's sovereignty and appeals to our sinful hearts. Our Christology determines our understanding of God’s relationship to creation. This article elaborates on how the person of Christ and His incarnation helps us to understand who God is.
The Modest Appearing of the Son of God
Smothering Baby Jesus
This article discusses various self-harming spiritual practices of believers in the past. The author discusses the importance of the incarnation of Christ to the gospel, and how this affects how we view the body.
Romans 1:3b - Why I Believe in the Virgin Birth
This article is looks at the virgin birth of Jesus Christ through a study on Romans 1:3b and Luke 1:26-35.
That God Should Come as One of Us!
The uniqueness of the Christian message rests with a true view of Jesus Christ. This article is about the incarnation of Jesus Christ, who came to earth to work out our salvation. Jesus had both the capacity and the authority to save believers through His death on the cross.
The Virgin Birth – By Grace Alone
The Gospel for the Womb
Luke 1:35 - Christ's Birth from the Virgin
A Truly Happy Birthday
Ten Things You Should Know about the Incarnation
This article considers ten items worth knowing about the incarnation of Christ. It includes mention of how his divine nature and human nature came together in one person.
Salvation Accomplished by the Son – Christ's Incarnation
The subject of this chapter is how God became a man, i.e., the incarnation of the Son of God. Man’s salvation is not possible without it, for it is an essential prerequisite for Jesus’ death and resurrection. Peterson investigates the Old Testament, the Synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John, and the Epistles, noting their witness to Christ’s birth.
The virgin birth
This article is about the virgin birth of the Son of God, and the relation of the incarnation of Jesus Christ and original sin.
The Virgin Birth of Christ
The Importance of the Virgin Birth
How the Christmas Story Reveals God's Power
This article considers how the story of Christmas reveals the power of God.
Why Celebrate Christmas? Three Reasons to Rejoice in the Birth of Jesus
The article provides three reasons to celebrate and rejoice at Christmas. These reasons involve the devil, sin, and the kingship of Jesus.
On the Incarnation: Avoiding Heresy and Pursuing Humility
Of what did Christ empty himself when he became human? This article discusses the so-called kenotic theology, regarding the incarnation of Christ, and it shows that in fact Christ added by emptying.
The Mystery of the Virgin Birth
Confessing the Virgin Birth
Myth, History and the Virgin Birth
Mediatorial Union
This article focuses on the coming together of the two natures of Christ, the human nature and the divine nature, for the purposes of mediation between God and man. The author says that the constitution of the person of Christ is of such a fundamental and vital concern that without believing it, one cannot be a Christian.
Why the Virgin Birth Matters
This article considers the virgin birth of Christ from three perspectives: Was it possible? Was it theologically necessary? Is it a legitimate fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14?