The Peace of God
A Just War?
Pacifism and Peace
Just Indefensible There is such a Thing as Just War, but Terrorism isn’t it
War & the End of War
Is It Ever Right to Fight? The Biblical Case for "Just War"
The Ethics of Nuclear War
War is Expensive
The Sermon on the Mount and Nuclear Weapons
Freedom Fighters — What Right do They Have?
Not Peace but a Sword
If Christ Predicted War, May Christians Pray for Peace?
War in a Church-Historical Perspective
Wright surveys the way the early church viewed war. He demonstrates how complex the views were during the period of the early martyrs, i.e. the first three centuries. The prominence of idolatry in the Roman army complicated the attitudes of Christians. The church did not function with a worked-out public ethics.
The Bible and War in America: An Historical Survey
What should be the attitude of Christians towards war? This article offers a historical survey of views in the USA; for example, just-war theory and pacifism
The Evangelical and War
The problem of war is reflected upon in this paper. Three basic positions usually taken are discussed: pacifism, activism, and mediativism.
The Beatles, Religion, and War
The Ethical Justification of Deterrence
Old Testament Perspectives on War
Biblical-Theological Perspectives on War and Peace
This article wants to come to a biblical-theological perspective on war and peace. It starts by looking at Yahweh as a warrior God and war as a theme in the Old Testament. The impact of the teaching and person of Jesus Christ, who brought a new relationship between Israel and the nations, is considered next. Then follows a consideration of the early church's view of the Christian as a citizen of two "kingdoms" or "communities." Next, it notes the contributions of some modern theologians on the topic.
Karl Barth's Attitude to War in the Context of World War II
This paper reflects on Karl Barth's treatment of war in his Church Dogmatics. It indicates that this is in part a reflection of Barth's personal experience of World War I. It gives Barth's theological basis for his response to war. A final section of the essay deals with the contemporary relevance of Barth's view.
Romans 13:5 - Should a Christian Go to War?
This article discusses the question if a Christian should go to war.The author looks at arguments for pacifism and for Christians participating in war.