Don Draper Meets Abraham Kuyper
There are two lords that Abraham Kuyper considered to be at work in the spirit of the age around him, and this article suggests these same lords prevail today, calling the church to secularism. Those lords are mammon and art.
Secularization and the Sexual Revolution: Evangelical Theology and the Cultural Crisis (Part 1)
How did we come to embrace secularism and sexual revolution in our culture? This article looks at the activism of the homosexuals and how this has had an impact on the church.
The Secularization of the West and the Rise of a New Morality
How did we come to embrace secularism and sexual revolution as part of our culture? This article looks at the development from modernism to postmodernism and the impact they had on the nature of authority and morality.
Everything That Is Solid Melts into Air — The New Secular Worldview
What has led to the embrace of secularism and sexual revolution in our culture? This article appeals to individualism and the authority of instrumental reason as contributors.
Keeping the Faith in a Faithless Age: The Church as a Moral Minority
Can man live without God? This is the question posed by secularism. How should the church answer this question? The article explains that it is only through standing on God's truth that the church can answer the question.
Will the Church Survive the 21st Century?
Three Sources of the Secular Mind
What is secularism and what are the sources that shaped the modern secular mind? This article notes what the author calls three "movements against trancendence." The first he calls the decline in logical realism; next, he notes the love of power; finally, he discusses the hatred of distinction.
Christ the Victor
This article focuses on Christ's accomplished work of redemption and His exaltation. The meaning of Christ's exaltation is evaluated and contrasted with other human sources of hope and comfort, such as secularism and marxism.
Affect and Effect The Significance of a Biblical Spirituality for Christian Ethics in a Secular Age
Cultural Barriers to Preaching
Casual before God?
Can Man Be Good without God?
Christian Missions to Islam and Western Culture
This article is about missions to Islam, Islam and the Western culture, the danger of secularism in missions.
Political Apathy is not an Christian Virtue
How Big Are the Wolf's Teeth?
Church Facing Global Challenge of Islam
This article is about the Christian missions and the Islam faith. The author also discusses Islam and the Western culture, and the effect of secularism on missions.