Parents, Your Kids Need Big Theology
This article explains that your children need to be taught theology, through hymns, memorizing Scripture and reading together.
This article explains that your children need to be taught theology, through hymns, memorizing Scripture and reading together.
Is science sufficient for all the questions we have? Many people are of the view that it is sufficient, and gives more certain knowledge than either philosophy or theology.The article engages this view, discussing five myths that exist regarding science and theology.
Can Christians make use of skepticism as a tool in theology? This article warns against the danger of skepticism, and calls Christians to rely on the authority of Scripture.
The historicity of the Gospel of John has been challenged in the past, with the charge that it has more to do with theology. This article highlights the response of Richard Bauckham to the charge, showing three characteristics from John that his readers would have understood as historiographical.
This article urges the local church to be theology-centred, giving consideration to Paul's doxology in Ephesians 3:21.
Whose task is it to do theology? How and where must it take place? Friedrich Schleiermacher's views on revelation as feeling and dialectical conversation are critically discussed.
Philosophical views exert a strong influence on theology. This paper introduces themes from the philosophy of Hegel in contemporary German theology. Illustrations are given from the theology of Hans Kung, W. Pannenberg, Karl Barth, and K. Rahner. The author considers the appropriateness of incorporating thoughts from Hegel's philosophy in theology.
Gnosticism was a heresy that flourished in the second century A.D. This paper introduces Gnosticism and notes its cosmology, theology, and view of history.
Contrasting biblical theology and systematic theology, this article shows that one difference between the two lies in their premises. Systematic theology assumes the diversity of scripture, while biblical theology assumes unity.
This article looks at the differences between biblical theology and systematic theology. The author also looks at the usefulness of systematizing theology to better understand doctrine.
Looking at the gap between academic theology and ecclesial theology, this article shows that academic theology, while necessary, is often of little help to the church. This article calls for the recovery of ecclesial theology.
This article demonstrates how philosophy and theology can be integrated based on a discussion of the sovereignty of God and free will.
This article is about the future of the reformed faith, truth in theology and commitment in the church.
In this article McGrath argues for the importance of apologetics in contemporary mission to a post-modern world. He also raises concerns about the weakness of much modern evangelical apologetics. Making use of the apostles’ speeches in Acts he highlights the importance of knowing our audience before showing the importance of theology in apologetics.