Preaching Christ

The purpose of the sermon is not a devotional or inspirational pep talk; nor is it a course in theology or an autobiographical account of the preacher's life and times. It is not a moral lesson in how to be good, nor is it a practical seminar on how to have a happy life. The purpose of the sermon is neither personal self-improvement nor national salvation, but to preach Christ and him crucified. But will that be perceived as relevant, with so many practical problems in our troubled world? Won't they consider such a message impractical and even foolish?

Ears to Hear: Thoughts on the Congregation's Role in Preaching (1)

The sermon belongs to the church's worship. If we are unaware of what we should be hearing from the pulpit, if we are vague about what sermons are supposed to "do," then God will be robbed of sincere and glo­rifying worship. We dare not do anything in our worship out of ignorance. Ignorance in the pew about the preaching of the pulpit is nothing less than superstitious worship, an abomination to the Lord.