Ears to Hear: Thoughts on the Congregation's Role in Preaching (2)
Ears to Hear: Thoughts on the Congregation's Role in Preaching (1)
The Gospel of the Cross
Preaching and the Real Battle for Worship
Faith and Preaching
Gospel Application in Preaching
How should sermon application be done? What is the meaning of application in preaching? This article explains that pastors and believers must aim for gospel application.
A Casket without a Jewel
Just why exactly does the cross of Christ need to be central in preaching and teaching? This article explores the reason.
Teach with Clarity
Preaching: An Affair of the Heart
What is the goal of preaching? Who is your preaching about? This article explains that preaching is a matter of the heart being pointed toward Christ.
Preaching to Meet Crisis Needs (Part 5)
Preaching God's Word to his people implies addressing the needs of the church through the Word. This article explains that it is important to preach to crisis needs, and identifies common crisis needs and how preaching should address them.
Preaching to Emotional Needs (Preaching and Pastoral Care–Part Three of Five)
Preaching God's Word involves addressing the needs of the church. This article explains that preaching to the emotional needs of people is crucial. It explains the dangers of psychological preaching and addresses a proper way of preaching to emotional needs.
Ears to Hear: Preaching and Personal Witness
Three Ways the Gospel Can Divide a Church
The gospel does not only bring unity in the church, but it also brings divisions in the church. How? It confronts the self-righteous, overthrows hobby horse riders (activists on a topic), and addresses those who do not want change.
Discriminating Preaching
The Power of Preaching God's Word
Targeting the 25-Yarder: The Backsliding Believer and Those in Bondage
Targeting the 15-Yarder: The Growing Believer
Should I Ever Break from an Expository Sermon Series?
This article offers a suggestion as to when a pastor could take a break from his sermon series.
Preaching and Judgment
Is a Certain Infantilization of the Church Threatening Us?
Does This Have to Be in a Sermon?
Orators and Heralds: Audience-Driven Vs. Obedience-Driven
This article spells out the historical difference between an orator and a herald. The former adapted his message to his audience in order achieve desired results; the latter had his message set for him by another, and so he was not results-driven but obedience-driven. The Corinthians wanted an orator, but Paul was a herald.
Sermons Are Not for Liking
"How did you like the sermon?" This is just a wrong question to ask, because sermons are not for liking. Instead, as the article suggests, the question could be: What did you learn from the sermon?
Preaching Also to the Affections, the Need of the Hour
This article encourages the right handling of God's truth, such that preaching also appeals to the affections of the hearers after the preacher himself has been affected by the Word.
Hermeneutics, Preaching, and the Problem of Biblical Illiteracy
What is biblical illiteracy? This article argues that biblical illiteracy is not knowing redemptive history. This article shows that the cause of it lies in the mind and heart. It is through preaching that it can be cured.
Preaching to People: Confession of a Preacher
From Scriptures to the Sermon: The Problem of Paradigms
For preaching to be effective, the preacher needs to understand the paradigms surrounding him. This article shows that there is a paradigm shift that preaching must take into consideration in three themes: God, man, and godliness. Understanding this shift is crucial for the faithfulness and effectiveness of preaching.
Preaching Reconciliation
Preaching and Grief (Fourth in a Five-Part Series)
Preaching God's Word to his people implies addressing the needs of the church through the word. This article explains that preaching to the grieving is crucial, and identifies different kinds of grief to which preaching must speak.
"Christ, Whom We Proclaim"
The Gospel: An "It" or a "He"?
How would you define the gospel? As something, or someone? This article stresses the need for seeing the gospel as the crucified and risen Christ.
Training Parrots or Making Disciples?
There are many goals of preaching, yet this article focuses on one: helping the hearers think and read for themselves. It encourages pastors to exercise their skills for this end. Definitions of exegesis, biblical theology, and systematic theology are offered in the article as well.
The Centrality of Preaching
The High Mystery of Predestination
This article provides pastoral direction to those called to preach on predestination. It considers the teaching of predestination itself, the reason for teaching it, and the effect of predestination upon the believer.
The Centrality of the Cross
Preaching with Power the Word "Correctly Handled" to Transform Man and His World
This article reflects on preaching and biblical exegesis. The author considers the preacher, the Word, and what it means to correctly handle the Word (2 Timothy 2:15).
Subtracting Through Addition: Galatians 6:14-15
What Is Preaching According to the New Testament?
Does preaching still have any meaning in our time and age? Is the sermon a relic of the past? This essay wants to reflect on the theological question of what preaching really is. The true renewal of preaching can only happen in the way of understanding the real nature and function of preaching. A renewal on the level of preaching technique alone is not really a renewal at all. In the New Testament, we find the origin of what Christian preaching is. Some key terms used for preaching are examined.
Negative Preaching and the Modern Mind: A Crisis in Evangelical Preaching
This article is written from the conviction the preaching is the creation of the gospel itself. The concern of this article is that classic preaching as proclamation has almost completely disappeared from the life and agenda of the church.