Those Who Sow in Tears Shall Reap with Shouts of Joy!
This article is about the call in Psalm 126 to ‘’sow in tears’’ and ‘’reap with songs of joy’’. The author speaks about our role in evangelism in this world as we look forward to the next.
This article is about the call in Psalm 126 to ‘’sow in tears’’ and ‘’reap with songs of joy’’. The author speaks about our role in evangelism in this world as we look forward to the next.
This article on the goal of evangelism and the motives for evangelism, is also about discipleship and evangelism.
It is a joyful moment to see people converted to Christ through mission work. However, conversion is not the end. Those converted must be led to spiritual maturity. This article shows that such maturity is rooted in making knowledge of truth grow into conviction of the truth and a life of obedience. This is achieved by teaching godliness.
This article shows that the only hope for missions and evangelism lies in grasping the truth God’s grace is always effectual. It shows that irresistible grace was the motive for Reformers to be involved in missions and evangelism, and so it must be for the church today.
When evangelism makes the winning of souls its goal it is doomed to fall into error. It misses the point that evangelism should have God's glory as its aim. To argue this point, this article looks at what the gospel is.
This article is about God-centered motivation for mission work and evangelism.