What Luther Says: On the Doctrine of Sin
What Luther Says: On the Doctrine of God
What Luther Says: On the Doctrine of Christ and its Application
What Luther Says: On the Doctrine of Christ
The Church's Task in a Pluralistic Society
The Offices in the Church
The Rapture: When and How?
Postmodernism's Impact on Popular Culture
Cultivating a Christian Mind
The Church and the Elderly
Puritan Christianity: Theological Presuppositions Influencing Puritan Preaching
How do we Know the Bible is the Word of God?
Why is Hell Seldom Mentioned from Pulpits Today?
Should Baptism Ever be Repeated?
Morality Minus Religion Equals Decadence
Justification in Modern Scholarship: Some New Interpretations
Is the Church on Her Way Out?
Heaven: The Christian's Present and Future Home
Some Reflections on Retirement
Puritan Christianity: The Puritans at Home
Puritan Christianity: The Puritan Pastor as Physician of the Soul
The Atonement of Christ: Its Nature and Extent
Christian Stewardship
Why Christians Should Rejoice
Celebrating Christmas: Is There a Biblical Warrant for it?
Catechism Preaching: Word of Man or Word of God?
Calvin on the Church as Our Mother
A Mini Primer in Apologetics
The Christian's Great Interest
Puritan Christianity John Owen on the Spiritual Understanding of the Holy Scriptures
The Vision of the Sealed Book
Spiritual Gifts in the Church Today
Puritan Christianity: Puritan Preaching
Should Baptism Ever be Repeated?
Visions of the End
Worldliness: How to Identify and Combat It
Good Literature: Some Criteria for Evaluating our Reading
From Week-End to Weekend
What Luther Says: The Means of Grace
Single Parenthood and its Victims
Spirit-Anointed Preaching and its Role in Revivals
Arminianism And Calvinism: What's the Difference?
Louis Berkhof: Secession or Doleantie Theologian?
Luther and Erasmus on Reforming the Church
Puritan Christianity: Can We Still Learn from It Today?
Puritan Christianity: The Puritans' Real Objective
Puritan Christianity: The Puritan Era
Sanctification or Works-Righteousness?
Gospel – Law = Chaos
The Reveil in the Netherlands Character and Impact
The Reveil in the Netherlands The Representatives
The Reveil in the Netherlands
Understanding the Times: Dispensationalism The Seven Year Countdown
Understanding the Times: Dispensationalism – The Rapture
Understanding the Times: Dispensationalism – The Place of Israel
Understanding the Times: Dispensationalism
Understanding the Times: The Heart of the Reformation
A Fearful but not a Final Judgment The Locusts from the Bottomless Pit
Handel's Messiah Its Impact on Listeners
Where Are the Peacemakers?
Why Creeds and Confessions?
What Happens When You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone?
The Lord Is Calling You!
Romans 7 – The Christian Life: Do Christians Feel "Wretched"?
This article offers a certain view of the identity of the wretched man of Romans 7. Is he regenerate or unregenerate?
Postmodernism's Impact on Popular Culture
This article details some of the features of postmodernism, which in many ways is a reaction to modernism. It describes how postmodernism impacts the communication of the gospel, and ends with a call for the church to discern the spirits.
Why Is Hell Seldom Mentioned from the Pulpits Today?
This article offers a critique of neo-Calvinism, particularly Abraham Kuyper's teaching on common grace.
The Blessing of Being a Justified and Adopted Child of God
Spiritual Desertion
"Because I Live, Ye Shall Live Also"
Being with the Glorious Christ in Eternity
Spiritual Maturity A Rare Yet Essential Requirement for a Healthy Church
Here Come the Greens!
Natural Disasters: How Should We Interpret Them?
The Christian Life: Do Christians Feel "Wretched"?
Comfort While Living in a Dying Body
One Half-Hour Silence in Heaven
The Benediction in the Worship Service
The Role of Collections in the Worship Service
The Role of Singing in Worship
The Reading and Preaching of Scripture in the Worship Service
The Congregational Prayer in the Worship Service
The Ten Commandments and the Apostolic Creed in the Worship Service
Order of Worship
Respect for the Government: Outdated Concept or a Biblical Requirement?
Speaking God’s Truth without Compromise
Spiritual Maturity: A Rare Yet Essential Requirement for a Healthy Church
Reflections on the Haiti Earthquake What We Should Learn from It
The Green Bible: A Version for Christian Environmentalists
Herman Bavinck on Regeneration
The Best Portfolio for the Coming Year and Beyond
The Perseverance of the Saints
The Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Bondage of the Will
The Second Reformation in The Netherlands
This article is about the Dutch Puritans and the Second Reformation in the Netherlands. The author talks about William Annes, Willem Teellinck, Gijsbertus Voetius, and Herman Witsius.