Your Father Through the Gospel
Orthodox Obedience
This is a general reflection on the richness of the Reformed Orthodox tradition. It mainly appreciates this tradition's refusal to let its view of the infallibility and centrality of the revealed Word of God be swayed by unbiblical thinking.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Protestant Reformation in England
This article unpacks ten things you should know about the Reformation in England.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Puritans
This article explains ten things you need to know about the Puritans.
The Westminster Assembly – Perspectives on Westminster
Did the theological heirs of John Calvin deviate from their heritage? Was Calvin’s dynamic biblical theology lost by his successors? Was the philosophical methodology of Aristotle introduced into Reformed theology by Theodore Beza and Zacharias Ursinus? This chapter considers these criticisms as they were applied in particular to the tradition of the Westminster Standards. T. F.
Robert Barnes: English Martyr in 1540
Puritan Christianity: The Puritans at Home
Puritan Christianity: The Puritan Pastor as Physician of the Soul
Socinianism and John Owen
This article considers the interaction that John Owen had with the Socinians. It puts it into historical perspective, explaining the heresy of Socinianism, namely, its anti-Trinitarian view. The author goes on to assess the way Owen linked the Socinians with others, especially Richard Baxter and Hugo Grotius.
Introduction to Puritanism
Cowardice, Courage, and the Death of Cranmer
This article describes how upon his arrest, the English Reformer Thomas Cranmer first denied the truths he had defended throughout his ministry, and then when made to recant publicly, he refused to do so, leading to his being burned at the stake.
The Calling of the Westminster Assembly of Divines
This article gives a historical account of what led to the Westminster Assembly and the Westminster Confession.
Lady Jane Grey Nine Days Queen & Teenage Martyr
Puritan Resources for Biblical Counseling
The Puritans can be of a great help to the biblical counsellor. This article explains how their understanding of sin and its workings and the call to fight sin in a biblical way can be of a great help in counselling.
The Martyrdom of Thomas Hawkes
This article narrates the martyrdom of a Reformed believer, Thomas Hawkes, who was burned at the stake for refusing to have his child baptized by a priest.
Thomas Boston, Preacher of Christ
When I Am Weak
Joyce Lewes: Faithful unto Death
Puritan Writers Enrich the Modern Church
John Owen: Communion with the Triune God
The Reformation in England (Part 1)
This article on church history gives an account of the Reformation in England. The Reformation in England is unique, since it did not take place through church men or theologians, but through kings. It was not religiously motivated, but rather political. God worked to build His church through individuals such as Henry VIII, Edward VI, Elizabeth I, and James I.
Edmund Grindal
The Westminster Assembly
Profiting from the Puritans for Devotional Reading
John Flavel (1628–1691)
"A Poore Under-Rower": The Life and Ministry of John Owen
This article considers the background and life of John Owen.
Samuel Rutherford on the Spiritual Life
Lessons from "Temptation Resisted and Repulsed" by John Owen
This article considers some important lessons coming out of John Owen's writing on temptations.
A Source of Stability and Strength (Christian Men and Their Godly Moms)
The role Susanna Wesley played in the training of John Wesley and Charles Wesley is crucial. This article visits her house to learn how Susanna's desire for godliness shaped her children.
Profiting from the Puritans for Devotional Reading
This article makes the case for using the Puritans for devotional reading, as their literature addresses the mind, conscience, and heart.
An Ordinary Girl of Extraordinary Faith
The Life of Thomas Boston
A Boanerges and a Barnabas
Lewis Bayly The Practice of Piety ,(c. 1575-1631)
William Greenhill (1598-1671)
William Bates (1625-1699) A Forgotten Puritan
Introductory Essay to John Owen's The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
Both universal redemption and Arminianism paint an unbiblical account of salvation, for they all take away God's glory. This introductory essay to John Owen's The Death of Death in the Death of Christ shows how this is so by looking at what constitutes the teaching of Calvinism about the atonement.
Lady Rachel Russell “To Love and to Cherish ... till Death Us do Part”
The Breath of God
John Wycliffe: The Morning Star of the Reformation
The Reformers: John Wycliffe
Richard Greenham (c. 1542-1594)
John Owen (1616-1683)
The Puritan Family
The Authority of Scripture for the Anglican Reformers
This article discusses the degree of importance the Anglican Reformers attached to the knowledge of the Scriptures. It argues that they believed that it is only through the Holy Scriptures that man can know the revealed will of God.
Church and State in Reformation England
This article examines the English Reformation on the question of church-state relationship, in an attept to give some insight into the position of Anglican Evangelicals on the matter.
Bullinger's Intervention in the Vestiarian Controversy of 1566
This paper considers Heinrich Bullinger's intervention in the Vestiarian Controversy of 1566 and evaluates his contribution.
Adding to the Church: The Puritan Approach to Persuading Souls
This article seeks to find answers to whether the Puritans were evangelistic in their preaching. Further it seeks to find out how they went about persuading souls to believe. It probes the nature of their confrontations, the language they used, and whether doctrines such as election, predestination, and particular redemption confined and restricted the scope of their evangelistic messages.
Dr. John Owen 1615-1683: 1. The Life of John Owen
This article, the first of a three-part series, provides a biography of John Owen of the Reformed orthodox period.
The Zeal of Richard Baxter
This article offers an outline of the life of the Puritan Richard Baxter, and then a consideration of his book The Reformed Pastor.
The Agency That Transformed a Nation
'A Setter-Forth of Christ’s Glory’: Remembering the Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Cranmer
Life and Influence of William Perkins
Seventeenth-Century Teaching on the Christian Life (2)
The Roman and Reformed tradition produced two different traditions on the Christian life. This article looks at these two tradition through the eyes of Francis de Sales, Richard Baxter, and John Owen. Here focus is on their view of faith and love.
Seventeenth-Century Teaching on the Christian Life (1)
The Roman and Reformed tradition produced two different traditions on the Christian life. This article looks at these two traditions through the eyes of Francis de Sales, Richard Baxter, and John Owen. Here focus is on their view of man and sin.
John Davidson of Prestonpans
The Reformation Begins in England
John Owen (1616-1683)
John Bunyan (1628-1688)
Justification by Faith Alone: The Perspectives of William Kiffen and John Owen
This article explores the views of William Kiffen and John Owen on justification by faith, and the contextual forces at play as they formulated their respective viewpoints.
The Native Roots of Early English Reformation Theology
What was the Lollard movement and what was their theology and influence in England? Stackhouse argues for a limited impact that the Reformation in Europe had in England in the early years. His main point is that the early English Reformation theology owes much to the enduring strength of Lollardy. He focuses in particular on the works of William Tyndale.
Dr. John Owen 1615-1683: 3. John Owen and the Death of Death
This article, the last of a three-part series, considers one of the classic works of John Owen, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ.
Dr. John Owen 1615-1683: 2. John Owen as Man and Minister
This article, the second of a three-part series, considers the character and roles of John Owen of the Reformed orthodox period.
Laurence Chaderton – Puritan, Scholar, and Bible Translator
Overcoming Sin and Temptation – Life in the Midst of Battle: John Owen's Approach to Sin, Temptation, and The Christian Life
This chapter is an introduction to John Owen and his most important works on sanctification. Sanctification meant for Owen that Christians are called to learn the art of battle. To fight the battle of faith Owen wants his readers to understand the nature of sin, the complexity of the human heart, and the goodness and provision of God.
The Legacy of Henry VIII
A Torrent of Error Closing the Gulf between Calvin and Calvinism
Cranmer as Reformer
This essay wants to focus attention on the career of Thomas Cranmer as a Reformer. A short historical overview is provided of his life and theological development before the author examines Cranmer's teaching on some of the major points of the Reformatlon. Particular attention is given to the Bible.
Owen on the Mortification of Sin
This article considers the teaching of John Owen on Romans 8:13, concerning the mortification of sin throughout the believer's life.
Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism – What is Reformed Scholasticism
Chapter 1 introduces what came to be known as Reformed Scholasticism. This was a way in which theology was discussed in the seventeenth century following the Reformation. It is also known as Reformed Orthodoxy.
Eternal Justification?
This article contains a refutation by the Puritan John Flavel of the doctrine of justification from eternity, a teaching of antinomian hyper-Calvinism.
The Theology of the Westminster Standards – The Historical and Theological Context
The historical context of the origin of the Westminster Standards is vital to our having a fuller understanding of them. Chapter 2 surveys the historical and theological context that led to the formation of the Westminster Assembly and the creation of the Westminster Standards.