Insights into Islamic Law by a former Muslim
The Insider Movement: Tinkering with the Christian mission to the Muslim world
Christianity and Islam: What Common Ground? (Part 1)
Muhammad: The Last Prophet?
The Islamic Doctrine of "Abrogation"
Islam on Jesus
Islam's Animosity towards Israel
Freedom's Christian Roots
The Half Moon and the Sun - Islam and the Christian Faith
Yahweh or Allah: An Introduction to Islam
Spiritual and Secular Power in Christianity and Islam
A Christian View of Islam: Its Doctrines
Christians in the Qur'an Muslims are Usually better Prepared for Inter-religious Discussion
Jesus in Islam Muslims do Honour Jesus, but they do not know who He is
Why Muslims Should Advocate Biblical Inerrancy
This article explains that if Muslims believe Islam's scripture, they should also affirm the authenticity, inerrancy, and trustworthiness of the Bible. The Quran refers to the Bible and identifies pre-Islamic believers as people of the Book. The author argues that there is no verse in the Quran that undermines the Bible.
The Challenge and the Promise of a Christian Understanding of Islam (Part 1)
This article seeks to foster a Christian understanding of Islam. It starts with providing a broader framework of God's redemptive intentions for humanity, including Muslims. It explains the need to be accurate in our descriptions and interpretations of Muslim beliefs and practices. Overcoming this challenge is achieved in developing relationships with Muslims so as to understand them and their faith, and in immersing ourselves in their history and sources.
Introducing Islam Muslims, too, have Basic Beliefs and a Sacred Text
The Challenge of Islam
How should Christians respond to Islam? We ought to know what Islam is, and this article helps by looking at matters such as Islam's articles of faith, the Five Pillars of Islam, the place of Muhammad, the history of Islam after Muhammad, the Qur'an, and the place of Jesus in Islam. Then it suggests a way to respond to Islam.
The Cross and Islam: An Evangelistic Starting Point
The False Teachers: Muhammad
What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur'an – Why Study the Qur'an?
A Theologian Looks at the Gospel and World Religions
The Lost History of Early Christianity
A Faith of Peace Which Muslim Nation is an Example of Freedom?
Islam – A Religion of Peace?
A Rising Tide of Persecution
European Islam – Threat and Challenge The Call of the Minaret in European History
Missionary to Islam: Samuel Zwemer
Samuel Zwemer is an encouraging example that God’s word has the power to change lives. Zwemer devoted his life to reaching out to Muslims and facing the challenges of Islam. The church today can learn from his work, and can reach out to muslims by sending missionaries and providing Christian literature.
Loving Muslims - Not Fantasy Friends
Exclusivists With an Inclusivist Attitude Basic Principles With Regard to the Dialogue Between Muslims and Christians
Can We Welcome Muslims as Fellow Believers in the One True God?
Islam and the West
Looking at church history, this article shows how history can be used to deal with ideologies the church faces. The author looks at Islam and its history, and the history of conflict between Muslims and Christians. The author also draws some conclusions about how Christians should live today in light of this history.
Comparative Revelation: The Qu'ran And The Christ
This article argues that if there is a point of comparison between Islam and Christianity, it should be found between Christ and the Qu'ran (or Koran). This is so because to a Muslim, the question is whether the Qu'ran is created or uncreated, and this is the question of the Christian about Christ. Maintaining the difference between the two, the author shows some similarities for engaging Muslims.
East Versus West
Christ and Islam
Two Modern Concepts of God
Legalism: The Perennial Hearsay
The Unique Character of the Bible
Islam's Doctrine of God
John of Damascus
This article on the life of John Damascus (c. 675-749) also looks at his theology and his confrontation with Islam.
Christian Missions to Islam and Western Culture
This article is about missions to Islam, Islam and the Western culture, the danger of secularism in missions.
Presenting the Gospel to Muslims
Reading Christ's Thoughts Re Islam
Worth Killing for or Worth Dying for?
A Growing Darkness?
Christians and Muslims: Across the Divide
The Muslim Critique of the West
Church Facing Global Challenge of Islam
This article is about the Christian missions and the Islam faith. The author also discusses Islam and the Western culture, and the effect of secularism on missions.