Should We Speak of a Covenant of Works?
When Did God First Establish His Covenant?
Why Works Works Biblical Revelation Unfolds from the Covenant of Works
The Adamic Administration of the Covenant
This article shows that redemptive history is related to the covenant. The author discusses the covenant in relation to creation, the Fall and redemption.
Adam, God’s Covenant Friend
A covenant is a bond of friendship and love. This article shows that it is such a covenant in which Adam was created to live.
Was There Ever a Covenant of Works?
The Covenant of Works in Dutch Reformed Orthodoxy
God's Creation of Man: Created God's Covenant Friend
This article describes the covenant relationship between God and Adam in Genesis 1 in terms of friendship. It makes an argument against the covenant of works.
Covenant Theology under Attack
This article is about the covenant of works (covenant in the paradise). Rewards and blessing, the active obedience of Jesus Christ, and the relation of paradise and the covenant of grace is also discussed.