The Intermediate State
What happens between death and the resurrection? What happens when a Christian or an unbeliever dies? This article looks at the false teachings of naturalism, modernism, and soul sleep.
Western Ideas
For Christians to understand their times, it is important to understand the history of ideas that shapes their culture. This article looks at premodernism, modernism, postmodernism.
The Secularization of the West and the Rise of a New Morality
How did we come to embrace secularism and sexual revolution as part of our culture? This article looks at the development from modernism to postmodernism and the impact they had on the nature of authority and morality.
Postmodernism's Impact on Popular Culture
This article details some of the features of postmodernism, which in many ways is a reaction to modernism. It describes how postmodernism impacts the communication of the gospel, and ends with a call for the church to discern the spirits.
Church Controversies and the Culture Gap
The shift from modernism to postmodernism has created a culture gap. This article shows how this culture gap is affecting the life of the church and how it can be addressed.
Confounding the Postmodern Mind
The author discusses the difficulties brought to the church in North America by both modernism and postmodernism. While the fundamentalists did well to stand well against modernists, the subsequent generation of fundamentalists and evangelical fundamentalists are giving in to the persuasions of postmodernism in very subtle ways. This has negatively affected the effectiveness of the gospel they preach.
Holding the Line
The article looks at the history of American Protestantism, especially from the 1920s to today. The main issue was how the churches coped with the influence of modernism (including Darwinianism).
The Law of Life
This article discusses the Pentateuch (or Law) from the perspective of modernism and post-modernism.