- Liturgy - General (27)
- Call to worship and Salutation (10)
- Confessing of sin and assurance of pardon (8)
- Praise in music and song (General) (46)
- Public Prayer (31)
- Scripture reading (11)
- Preaching (place in worship service) (9)
- Gifts and offerings (9)
- Corporate confession of faith (7)
- Sacraments in the worship service (26)
- The Amen (4)
- Benediction (10)
Bulletin Bored: Tips for Preparing a Useful Church Bulletin
A bulletin says a great deal about a church. What should be the purpose of a church bulletin? It is argued in this article that bulletins deserve more care and consideration than most churches have been giving them.
Corporate Worship: Principles & Elements of Worship
Why do we worship the way we do? This is the question this booklet seeks to answer. It looks at corporate worship from a Presbyterian practice. It examines the principles of worship, preparing for worship, and the elements of liturgy: salutation, prayer, singing, offering, place of sacraments, and the benediction.
Hands-On Worship – Expanding Our Practice of Laying On of Hands
The laying on of hands is attracting renewed interest in some Christian circles. What does the laying on of hands signify? This article reflects on this practice, and offers suggestions for how it might be expanded today.