Calvin & Knox – A Comparison & Contrast
John Knox
Four Convictions for Boldness from John Knox
John Knox: Reformer and Preacher
This article is a biography on John Knox. It highlights his preaching ministry and how God used it for the Reformation in Scotland and England.
John Knox: The Making of a Reformer
This article considers the early years of the life of John Knox leading up to his contributions as a Reformer.
What Can We Learn from John Knox?
This article reveals what made the ministry of John Knox so noteworthy.
Interview on John Knox on the 500th Anniversary of His Birth
John Knox on the Scottish Reformation
In seeking the Scottish Reformation, John Knox made it clear that he was not seeking a political revolution. Instead, he was seeking the reformation of manners and abuses in religion. He understood that the goal of the Reformation was to see the gospel of Christ preached, sacraments administered, and idolatry destroyed. Most of all, Knox understood that the Reformation was God's work by God's people.
John Knox - Prophet and Pastor
Makers of the Scottish Church: John Knox Among all the Makers of the Scottish Reformed Church one Stands Pre-Eminent: John Knox
Calvin and Knox’s Relationship of Mutual Love and Esteem
This article examines the nature of the relationship between John Calvin and John Knox, showing how they viewed one another.
John Knox on Liturgy and Worship
Predestination According to John Knox
Did John Knox believe in double predestination? This article examines the Scottish Confession of Faith and Knox’s works to answer this question.
What Would John Knox Have To Say To Us Today?
John Knox: The Iron Man of Reform in Scotland
The British Reformers: John Knox
Marjorie Bowes: Wife of Knox
This article is a biography of Marjorie Bowes, the wife of John Knox, a Reformer who worked in the towns of Berwick, Edinburg, and Geneva. Together they went through difficult challenges, some of which were a result of the Reformation of their time.