Wow...I'm Getting Old! Christian aging in hope
Beyond Truth and Fiction: Loving Our Neighbours with Dementia
Should we be very honest with dementia sufferers in the name of truth, even if the facts will hurt if not devastate them? Or should we lie, to keep them blissfully unaware? This article explains how neither option seems to wholly show love for our neighbour, and that the gospel offers a different approach. It explains what it means in these contexts to speak the truth in love, to show respect and compassion to those suffering.
Hope for the Weary: Seeing the Light of Love in the Darkness of Dementia
The author offers words of encouragement from God’s Word to those who care for people suffering from dementia.
The Responsibility of Growing Old
Closed Countries and Retirement
Many Christians set their sights on retirement, which is the world's suggested substitute for heaven since they do not believe that there will be one beyond the grave. What a strange thing for a Christian to set his sights on: many years of play and idleness. Is there not another way of service? This article is about practicing evangelism in retirement.
Ministry to the Older Members of the Church: Pastoring in the Nursing Home
Retirement: Vacation or Vocation?
Outward Decay, Inward Renewal
Grandma Work
"Come, Grow Old with Me" Some Thoughts on Aging
No Time for Widows?
Not all widows are aged, but most are. This article offers insights and advice to help believers as well as those providing pastoral care minister more effectively to widows.
Pastoring Dementia Patients
The author provides simple and clear advice for those who make pastoral visits to believers with dementia.
Dementia: A Biblical Approach for Care
This article gives advice to those who are providing counseling or pastoral care to believers who have dementia, and their families.
A Puritan Primer: The ABCs of Counselling the Aged
This article draws on the writing of Puritan pastor, Richard Baxter, to offer advice, in “alphabetical order,” to those who must provide pastoral care to the aging.
Is Homesickness Only for Camp Kids?
This article encourages the church to take note of senior members, and to care for them well.
The Aged Christian in His Closet
The Aged Christian in the House of God
Who Am I as a Senior Citizen?
Contemplating Christian Retirement
This article shows how Christian retirement can be a time for self-absorption instead of kingdom service. It lists five errors many make when thinking about retirement.
Four Essentials for Finishing Well
This article finds its starting point in Paul's word in 2 Timothy 4:6-8, and discusses four elements that are essential for finishing well (or aging as a believer). They revolve around a daily reliance upon the Lord and his gospel.
The Sunshine and Shadow of Aging
With Greater Age Comes Greater Sorrow
Old age has its own sorrows. This article discusses five of them.
With Greater Age Comes Greater Joy
Old age should not be burdensome. This article explains the joy that accompanies old age.
Greater Age Brings Greater Responsibility
Do you think of your retirement as a time in leisure? Have you considered that old age brings with it greater responsibility? This article explains five responsibilities of old age.
Aging Brings Life-Shaping Decisions
Do you think of your retirement as a time of leisure? Old age has its temptations too. This article discusses decisions that are essential for godliness in old age. There are five of them.
The Aged Believer's Cordial
Senior Saints
'In the Time of Old Age'
Retirement: Really...??
Reflections on Pastoral Care to the Elderly
The God of Old Age
The Best is Yet to Come
Taking hold of God's promises, using opportunities well, possessing humility, developing contentment and applying biblical wisdom are the ingredients to facing old age full of joy instead of regret.
Ministry to the Elderly: The Joys and Challenges
Evangelization & Ministry With and For the Elderly
A Hoary Head is a Crown of Glory: Against Ageism
The Church and the Elderly
A Pastor’s Reflections: Widows
The Aged Christian and His Bible
The Joys of Old Age
The Trials of Old Age
The Temptations of Old Age
The Duties of Seniors
David's Reminiscings as A Senior An Open Letter Based on Psalm 71
How Caring for the Elderly Points Us to the Gospel
Why is it that we have fear of old age? It is because we hate dependency and define ourselves by being needed. This article shows that caring for the elderly should point us to the gospel and deal with our fear of old age.