Is Capital Punishment Demanded?
On Capital Punishment
Is the Pope Right about the Death Penalty?
Does the Bible allow the death penalty and should the church support capital punishment? While Christians have room to discuss issues related to the death penalty, the Bible is clear that not all killing is against the sixth commandment.
Capital Punishment
Death Penalty
Biblial Ethos: The Sanctity of Human Life
Crime, the Christian and Capital Justice
This article reflects on the appropriateness of capital punishment for violent crimes in public ethics.
Genesis 9:6: A Comparative Study of Bloodshed in Bible and Talmud
Is the death penalty still obligatory? This paper considers the ethical and judicial ramifications of Genesis 9:6.
The Death Penalty in the Mosaic Law
This article discusses the issue of the death penalty in the Mosaic Law, and the way Christians are to understand these laws.
The Adulteress and the Death Penalty
The passage on the adulteress in John 7:53-John 8:11 is often used as evidence that Jesus revoked the death penalty. The relevance of this passage for discussions on capital punishment is considered in this essay, noting the history of interpretation, hermeneutical considerations, and legal factors.