The Good Shepherd
The Door
The Bread of Life
Christ and the Future of the Church
Christ, the First-Born
The Way, The Truth, The Life
The True Vine
Christ's Glory as Our Lord “Wherefore callest thou Him our Lord?’’
The Lord of Glory
The Son of David Reigns!
The Man who Would be King
Jesus Is Lord!
In this essay the author considers the significance of confessing Jesus as Lord.
The Confession of Peter According to John 6:69
In John 6:69, Peter confesses Jesus as "the Holy One of God." Scholarly opinion on the meaning of the Holy One of God is deeply divided. The most common solution is that the title simply means "Messiah." This article argues against such a position and suggests instead that the primary meaning of the title is that of "representation" or "agency." In Mark and Luke, it is an agency of judgment on the demons.