Bursting the Bubble! Is Civil Disobedience for Christians?
Civil Disobedience: A Principled Position Statement
This article is a statement aimed at helping Christians in thinking about civil obedience and civil disobedience. The author urges Christians to think from a perspective founded on biblical principles, balancing obedience to God with obedience to government.
When In The Course Of Human Events Does Civil Disobedience Become Necessary?
This article shows that when God's law clashes with human law, obeying God rather than man becomes the only option. The author discusses whether or not this warrants civil disobedience, specifically in relation to the issue of abortion and the responsibility Christians have to the unborn.
Martin Luther and Civil Disobedience
Operation Rescue: A Biblical Strategy?
Reflections on New Testament Testimony concerning Civil Disobedience
This essay provides an overview of New Testament texts that may have a bearing on the topic of civil disobedience. Texts discussed include Matthew 2:8; Matthew 2:16; Matthew 4:8-10; Matthew 12:3-5; Matthew 26:50-54; Acts 4:18-20; Romans 13:1-7; Revelation 6:9-11.
Political Violence and Liberation Theology
Can it ever be a legitimate option to consider violence as part of political liberation? In this essay, the author considers the place of violence in liberation theology.
The Politics of God and the Politics of Ellul
Jaques Ellul became a national figure whose name and views are widely cited. This article wants to give a summary of the multiple facets of politics as viewed by Ellul. The author touches on his relevant definitions, his views on the state and politics, his treatment of politics in the Bible and the church, and his stance concerning Marxism and anarchism.
Civil Disobedience - An Ethical Evaluation of Operation Rescue
In this article about the conduct of Operation Rescue, civil disobedience and violence is also discussed, as well as obedience to God and the laws of the state.