This article offers a critique of neo-Calvinism, particularly Abraham Kuyper's teaching on common grace.
This article offers a critique of neo-Calvinism, particularly Abraham Kuyper's teaching on common grace.
Images dishonour God, for they obscure his glory. They convey false ideas about God. Does this truth apply to wearing a crucifix? This article's answer is Yes.
If culture is what we make of the world God has created and the meaning we assign to it, what role do Christians play in culture? The Christian's role in culture is to preserve and illuminate it, for the glory of God.
This article shows the relationship between culture and intellect, morality, and education. Only in Christ can true culture be developed.
This article discusses the relationship between Christians and modern culture. The author calls Christians to focus on the doctrine of scripture and upholding biblical standards rather than getting caught up in modern culture and entertainment.
Looking briefly at the history of cultural involvement of the church, this article looks at art and discusses whether Christians should embrace high art. Though high art can be good, this article shows that Christians must learn to start where people are and work for their growth, while being careful of the influence of the secular world in setting the standard.
The church today is facing the challenge of cultural irrelevance. The answer to this challenge lies in Reformed Christianity. Reformed Christianity's position on doctrine and liturgy equips the believer to face the challenge of culture, and live a Christian life that contrasts the life of this world.
This article on Gnosticism is about a wrong dualism of body and spirit, and creation and spirituality. The author also looks at the Christian and culture.
It is an error to identify the gospel with any particular system or culture. A problem with the church being identified with the culture wars is a basic one: Christianity is not a culture. It is a faith centered around a person who has a real life, a life of significance because he is God incarnate and rose from the dead as he promised and is alive in heaven.
What is the cultural mandate? What is the significance of this mandate for Christian social and political involvement? This paper focuses on the New Testament teaching on these matters and what the church's main calling is.
In this article, the contribution of J. Gresham Machen to understanding the relationship between the church and contemporary culture is discussed. His vision of Christian involvement in cultural life was different from the pietistic and revivalistic otherworldliness of many fundamentalists of his time.