When a Child Says "I Don't Know"
Is "I don't know" a refrain from your children in response to your questions regarding their behaviour? This article shows how parents, teachers, or other caregivers can often use this as a cue to let a child off the hook instead of calling heart motivations to task. Thus, the author suggests ways to handle this response in an effort to disciple the children God entrusts to us.
When God Looks Like Your Earthly Father
Your view of your heavenly Father is largely determined by your view of your earthly father. This article suggests ways to dislodge tainted understandings of the heavenly Father and replace them with a truly biblical view.
Time for Your Children About the father-role in raising children in the faith
The Bible Story Handbook – Why Do We Teach Bible Stories?
This Introduction provides a guide for reading the narrative sections of the Old Testament. It directs readers to the main reasons for telling these stories. Further, it considers the question whether there is a right or wrong way to read and use Bible stories. Finally, it reflects on how to read the narratives within the bigger picture of the Bible.
Communicate with Teens
12 Ways to Love Your Wayward Child
What can parents with unbelieving children do to help them?
Five Things I Wish I Had Known ... about Being a Father
This article is about the place of the father in parenting. The author also looks at the children's image of their parents, sin and weaknesses of the parents, being judgmental and critical in parenting, and the ability to listen in child rearing.
Help! My Kids Don’t Like Going to Church
Sometimes, children do not like going to church. As parents how can you help your children see the importance of church attendance? This article suggests five things you can do to engage with the hearts of your children.
How Do We Plant Godly Convictions in Our Children?
The Traumatic Teens Parental Idols can make Adolescence much More Difficult
No Cane Do?: How Should We Discipline Our Children?
Shaping a Child's Soul, a Task Too Important to Be Turned over to the Professionals
This article stresses the value of parents being the primary disciple-makers of their children, rather than handing over this responsibility to professionals.
Discipline of Covenant Children
Christian parents are called to raise their children within the covenant calling God gave them. Part of this is that they are called to apply discipline to the children. How do parents do this? What is the purpose of this discipline? This article shows the biblical roots for discipline and the way it can be applied positively and negatively, then looks at the purpose of discipline.
How to Help Your Kids Get Excited about Reading the Bible
This article raises points for parents to consider in helping their children grow in eagerness to read the Bible.
The Salvation of our Children: Presumption or Prayer
Godly Manhood in the Home – As King
Godly Manhood in the Home – As Priest
Godly Manhood in the Home – As Prophet
Raising Our Children to Be Gatekeepers
Parenting by God’s Promises Dr. Beeke interviewed on his book:
Training Our Children to Fight Worldliness
Practical Guidelines for Ministry to Children in the Church
Hey, What Are You Reading?
Children - Or is Tithing Only for Adults?
What's Right With That?
Based on Philippians 4:8-9 this article aims at helping parents encourage excellence in their children. It gives some practical ways of communicating with children in such a way that they are encouraged to do well.
What Does it Mean, Fathers Do Not Exasperate Your Children?
My Child Turned His Back on God A Mother Tells about Her Son in a Letter to a Dear Friend
Manners, More than Social Cement
The Teaching Father
How to Be a Refuge for Your Children
A Godly Father's Counsel to His Children
Does God "Visit the Sins of the Fathers on the Children"?
God's visitation of the fathers' sins on the children is never a simple punishment of innocent children for what the fathers did. The children are always guilty themselves of a sinful and rebellious life as the fathers' sins bear fruit in the lives of their children. (Exodus 20:5-6; Deuteronomy 5:9-10)
Young People Know Best
Dependence in Child Rearing
Disastrous Times for Children
"As For Me and My Household, We Will..."
New Voice of the Young
"Barb" Wire “The child is father of the man.” (Wordsworth)
From Generation to Generation We Will Recount Thy Praise
God's Heart for Children
As the Twig Is Bent
Raising Christ-Like Children
This article discusses a helpful way in which parents and the broader body of Christ can bring up children to bear the image of Christ.
How to Help Your Kids Read the Bible
Are you looking for ways to help your children read the Bible for their personal devotions? Read the article for helpful suggestions.
A Personal Word to Fathers
What is the role of a Christian father toward his sons? How can a Christian father raise Christian boys? This article suggests mentoring them in eight areas of their lives.
A Rail around Your Roof About Safety in Bringing Up Children
Four Ways You Can Demonstrate the Gospel to Your Children Today
There are four ways of demonstrating the gospel to your children in your parenting. They have to do with struggles, promises, discipline, and apologizing.
God's Workshop
Biblical Relationships for Effective Discipline
Preserving the Family in a Disintegrating Society: Family Entertainment
Preserving the Family in a Disintegrating Society
Eight Things To Remember When Teaching Kids Theology
Theology is not only for adults. The church must teach theology to children. How should that be done? Here are eight things to consider when teaching theology to children.
Parenting: Coping with the Stress of Growing Children
Who are Those Creatures?
Seniors Pleasing to The Lord
Parents Pleasing to The Lord
In Defense of Biblical Spanking
The High Cost of Fatherhood Being a blessing to your children is hard work
Are Parents Responsible for the Attitudes of Their Children?
The Duties of Parents: The Sins of Children
The Duties of Parents: The Early Years
The Duties of Parents: Virtues
The Resurrection-Believing Parent and Teacher
The Peace-Seeking Parent and Teacher
The Redeeming Parent and Teacher
Primary Obligations of Parents
Teaching Children about God
Ten Things You Should Know about Motherhood
What does it mean to be a Christian mother? This article offers ten things to know about biblical motherhood.
Responsibility of Child-Rearing
How to View Our Children
Sandwich Communication Works
How do you communicate with or correct your child? This article discusses the sandwich method: start with the positive, then provide the negative (or correction), and finish with a positive. The author provides then some practical application for parents to consider.
Five Misconceptions about Parenting That Will Hinder Your Children from Coming to Jesus
Six Truths about Parenting That Reorient Everything
Psalm 51 gives six truths that are essential for your parenting. This article shows how the psalm reveals the deepest needs of children.
Five Things Your Kids Need to Know about Death
What should parents teach their children about death? This article offers five truths to explain to children when death happens close to them: death and judgment are coming to us all, death is not how it is supposed to be, death for the believer is to be with Christ, death will one day be destroyed, and death is something we all must think about. The article also explains what to say about the death of unbelievers.
This Is Why I Love Teaching My Kids about the Reformation
This article makes the case for teaching children about the Reformation. Such teaching brings them to know about God's faithfulness to his church, that the church is always in need of reforming, defending the Bible is dangerous but worth the risk, God does extraordinary things through ordinary people, and the gospel is everything. It ends with some suggestions on how to teach them, and some resources worth using.
The Idol of Success
The struggle of parenting is not always on account of children. This article explains that a struggle for parents is the idol of success, where parents become angry and worried about their own reputation when their children fail to live up to their expectations.
The Idol of Appreciation
The struggle of parenting is not always on account of children. This article explains that a struggle for parents is the idol of appreciation, where parents want recognition from their children for all they have ever done for them.
The Idol of Control
This article explains that a struggle for parents is the idol of control, where parents want to prevent their children from gaining in independence.
Happy Child = Easy Life
Why is parental discipline important? With consideration given to 1 Kings 1:6, this article explains that parents in their exercise of authority are called to reflect the authority of God, and therefore parenting needs to include the disciplining of the child.
Jehovah's Perfect Parental Discipline
The Father and His Family
Why Read Aloud? Strategies for Reading to Your Children
This article discusses the value of reading aloud to your children, from babies in the womb to teenagers. It offers some principles of reading, as well as some recommended literature.
Earth-Bound Parenting
Your parenting reveals where your heart is. Which treasure does your parenting reveal, earthly treasure or heavenly treasure?
Five Practical Ways to Teach Your Kids about Money
How do you teach children about money? There are five ways that parents can teach their children in this matter, and the article discusses them.
Why Parenting Strategies Won't Work
What you need for parenting is not another strategy, but a parenting that is gospel-centred. This article gives fourteen principles for parents to help them parent the gospel way.
Covenant Children
Child Safe Godly Principles for Raising Children
Raising Future Men and Women
Driving Them Mad There are so Many Ways for Fathers to get it Wrong
Why Christian Parents Should Not Want Good, Happy, Safe Kids
This article discusses what cruciform, or cross-centered, parenting looks like. It confronts rather than ignores sin in the life of the children. It trains the children toward moral and physical courage.
Four Priorities for Every Gospel-Centred Parent
How a Biblical Worldview Shapes the Way We Teach Our Children
Parents, Meet Your Teenager
Comfort for Christian Parents of Unconverted Children
Like Cat, Like Kitten!
Four Ways to Avoid Health and Wealth Parenting
Is your parenting caught in the trap of health and wealth parenting? Good parenting is one that teaches children to be prepared to also face suffering. This article explains four ways to do this.
Six Ways to Make Christ Central at Home
As parents how do you build a Christ-centred home? This article shows how Deuteronomy 6:6-9 can shape parenting in order to make a home Christ-centred.
Three Tremendous Tasks for Dads (and Grace for When We Fail)
God instituted fatherhood to be a mirror of his own character. Therefore, Christian fathers are disciple makers; every day they speak something of God to their children. How can they fulfil this task? This article explains that they must be aware of the responsibility, accept the reality that they will fail, and live in repentance.
Four Simple Ways Fred Elliot Discipled His Children
Discipling children is the call of every parent. What can we learn from the lives of those who went before us? This article looks at how Fred Elliot, the father of Jim Elliot, discipled his children. There are four things we can learn from his parenting.