The Five Points of Calvinism
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 15
Total Depravity
Is Anyone More Holy Than Anyone Else? The Missing Category of the "Righteous Man"
Many Christians are fond of the saying, "No one is more holy than anyone else." Is this biblical? This article shows that it is not by explaining that many neglect the biblical category of the righteous man, the believer who displays a consistency in walking with God.
Canons of Dort Chapter 3 and 4: The Corruption of Man, and His Conversion to God
Totally Depraved
Adam’s fall brought with it death and pollution of sin. Because we stand in a relationship with him as representative head of all humanity, we inherit the results of the fall, among which is total depravity.
Confessions of a Harsh, Intolerant, Judgmental One
This article explains that to deny total depravity, election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints is to attribute salvation to man’s merit.
The Reformation and the Doctrine of Man: Man’s Total Depravity
John Calvin understood original sin to refer to the truth that through Adam’s fall all men are depraved by nature, sinful and corrupt, lacking all of the original righteousness with which Adam was created. This is the truth of total depravity, which this article fleshes out.
Despicable Me: Total Depravity – TULIP Part 1
This article begins by discussing the term "Calvinism." It offers a brief overview of the commitment of John Calvin to proclaim the glory of God, in the midst of a life of great suffering. Then it discusses the doctrine of total depravity.
Presbyterian Doctrine of Total Depravity
The author observes the importance of the doctrine of total depravity, and thus the sinfulness of man in church history. In discussing man's depravity, the author appeals to such circles as philosophy and the general empirical observations of human conduct. References are made to such works as Calvin's Institutes and the Reformational creeds (e.g., the Westminster Confession).
Distinctively Reformed Soteriology
This article explains how the doctrines of total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints are distinctives of the Reformed teaching on salvation.
Total Depravity
The evidence of the unabating effects of sin is dotted through history, and there is no sign that man's evil and sinful condition will ever improve, at least not in this age. This is where the article begins, and goes on to explain the corruption of the human nature as the result of man's revolt against God at the instigation of the devil. It describes this corruption as a state of total depravity, and considers its spiritual and moral consequences.
What Is the Gospel?
The author believes that the future of Christianity is in the theology of Calvinism. He goes on to emphasize the basic tenets of Calvinism such as the sovereignty of God, total depravity, the atonement of Christ, the foreknowledge of God and the so-called universalistic passages.
Calvinistic Distinctives and Evangelism
This article considers how the doctrines of election, limited atonement, and total depravity harmonize with evangelism.
Total Depravity Makes Christianity Unique
This article discusses the Reformed doctrine of total depravity, and how this distinguishes biblical Christianity from every other religion.
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Salvation: A Brief Overview of the Spirit's Role in the Doctrine of Grace
What is the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation? This question is answered in this article by looking at the work of the Holy Spirit in total depravity, election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints.
Limited Atonement
Why are not all people saved? This article answers this question by looking at the relationship between limited atonement, election, and total depravity.
Sin Offends God
The Impotency of the Human Will
This article is a short description of the doctrine of total depravity and original sin.
Total Depravity
The doctrine of total depravity teaches the extent and effects of original sin in man. However, it also aims at making man realize the sovereignty of God's grace in salvation. This is what the article explains.
Presbyterian Doctrine of Total Depravity
A faulty doctrine of sin has serious consequences for the church and its teaching on salvation, but good theology must start with man as bad. This is where the Reformers and the Reformed confessions start—with total depravity. For them the doctrine of total depravity did not mean that man ceases to be man, but it meant that he ceases to be good. The article outlines all of this.
The Five Points of Calvinism
This article explains the five points of Calvinism, which are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible calling, and perseverance of the saints.
Depravity Infects Everyone
"Original sin" is the reality that we sin because we are descendants of Adam, and the implication is our total depravity. This is what the article explains.
What Difference Does It Make?
This article looks at total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints as doctrines that are essential to evangelism.
Reformed Theology
The distinguishing character of Reformed theology is the place it gives to God. By looking at TULIP—total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints—this article shows how this is so.
Turning the World Right Side Up
The author attempts to emphasize the importance of the Reformed doctrines of grace. He focuses specifically on the teaching of total depravity. It is based on Scripture's teaching that God saved us while we were yet dead in our trespasses (Ephesians 2:1). In the final place, the author emphasizes the importance of equipping believers with these teachings so that they can be able to teach them to others.
Total Depravity: Only Evil Flowing From the Dead
The difference between a believer and unbeliever is that one has a living spiritual heart while the other has a dead spiritual heart. Total depravity means that an unbeliever's heart is evil in its nature and can only produce evil continuously.
How Bad We Really Are
The best way to explain man’s natural condition is: total depravity. Simply put, man is born with a natural hatred for God and for his fellow man. Our sinfulness is our own doing through Adam. This article is an explanation of Lord’s Day 3 of the Heidelberg Catechism. The only hope for man is in being regenerated. Why is this the only hope?
The Five Points of Calvinism (Part 2): Total Depravity
This is the second article in a series on the five points of Calvinism. This article looks at total depravity, showing that it refers to man's sinful nature and his inability to do spiritual good.
The Gospel and Total Depravity
This article looks at how the doctrine of sin and total depravity can be applied to both believers and unbelievers.
The Reformed Faith and Racial Harmony
This article shows that a true understanding of the gospel and the sovereignty of God will lead to racial harmony. Looking at total depravity, limited atonement, unconditional election, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints, this article shows how in all of these God works beyond race or color.
Soteriology Notes: The Doctrine of Sin (Part 2)
In this article are notes on the doctrine of sin, highlighting the results of sin on unbelievers and the concept of total depravity. The discussion of free will and the bondage of the will forms part of these notes. The author also looks at how sin was viewed through history.
American Idolatry
This article considers idolatry in our culture, as it is embodied in a show like <em>American Idol</em>. It explains that the key to understanding and critiquing much of human culture is total depravity.
Total Depravity: The Third Main Point of Doctrine
Does the Bible Teach Calvinism?
This article is about the five points of Calvinism, total depravity and salvation, and the work of the Trinity in salvation.
Little Innocents?
This article is about the sinfulness of our children. The author discusses total depravity, Adam and original sin, and the parenting of sinful children
None Righteous
This article is about sin, guilt and the judgment of God. The author also discusses the righteousness and holiness of God, sin and the wrath of God, total depravity, and the ungodly and the forgiveness of God.