Church Discipline Marks of a Healthy Church 11
Show No Pity
Church Discipline and Withdrawal
Calvin’s Struggle for Church Discipline
It was Martin Bucer’s influence on Calvin which made him to return to Geneva with the mandate to restore church discipline there. Despite opposition, John Calvin was not deterred. Calvin restored the church to be self-governing and independent. Discipline should be applied both to life and doctrine, with no exceptions for office bearers. This article gives three reasons for discipline in the church.
Church Discipline
Rebuke Me Already!
Church Discipline – A Study
Elders, Church Discipline
The Praying Elder and the Admonishing Visit
Searching Love: About Discipline in the Church
Reasons Why We Must Confront Believers in Their Sin
Confronting sin in a believer is not easy, but it must be done. This article gives seven reasons why.
Ten Things You Should Know about Church Discipline
What is church discipline? Why is church discipline necessary? Here are ten things you should know about church discipline.
When Is Church Discipline Faithfully Exercised
A Wounding Enemy or A Healing Physician?
Should Not, in This Time of Apostasy, the True Church Rather "Repel" Others Instead of "Attracting" Them?
Discipline in the Church: Revelation 2-3
Church discipline aims at providing remedy, judgment, comfort, and encouragement. This article explains this by looking at Christ's letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-Revelation 3.
Confronting and Repenting
What does it mean to be a peacemaker? This article explains that making peace in this fallen world involves confrontation and the call to repentance, because of the character of biblical peace.
Five Common Objections to Church Discipline
This article raises common objections to church discipline, such as the claim that the sin of others is not one's business, and evaluates each of them.
We're Not Independent
Should Christians desire to be independent? What does it mean to be independent? This article explains that the idea of independence is a delusion because it leads to bondage.
Disappearing Discipline The Church is in Danger of Sinking into a Morass of Relativism
Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 12 - Safe in the Communion
How Church Discipline Can Be Like Doctor Shopping
Can church discipline be like doctor shopping? It can when the church gives membership to someone running away from his church because of discipline.
The Second Key: Church Discipline
Dealing With Someone Else's Sin
Being a pastor or an elder means that at times you have to deal with matters of church discipline. How should you deal with someone else's sin? This article offers five considerations.
How to Diagnose and Treat Pastoral Authoritarianism
This article explains what authoritarianism in a pastor looks like, and how to root it out.
Giving, Receiving, and Inviting Rebuke
Are We Taking Error Seriously?
Church Discipline
Rare as a White Crow (2)
This article warns against the danger of abandoning church discipline. Church discipline is important because it is means of protecting God's covenant - the life of fellowship with His people. In these two articles the duty of officebearers in administering discipline is explained.
Rare as a White Crow (1)
This article warns against the danger of abandoning church discipline. Church discipline is important because it is means of protecting God's covenant - the life of fellowship with His people. In these two articles the duty of officebearers in administering discipline is explained.
The Discipline of God
This article shows that church discipline is a sign of the true church, and that God uses it to promote godliness in His children.
Freedom and Discipline in the Church
Signs That Church Authority is Being Abused A study of John 9:13-35
The Elder and the Administration of Discipline
The Preparatory Stage of Discipline
The Forgotten Mark: The Biblical Concept Of Church Discipline
Church discipline is a means of education, and works to train God's people to walk in godliness. This article shows that this mark of the church is often neglected, and outlines why and how proper church discipline should be exercised.
Discipline: Prosecution or Pastoring?
Five Things to Consider When Confronting a Friend
Reasons to Avoid Churches Who Will Not Practice Church Discipline
This article lists ten problems among churches that will not practice church discipline.
Church Discipline
Restoration Must Always Be Our Aim - Forgiveness
Is there a difference in the way individual Christians and the congregation as a whole deals with offences? How should we administer discipline, and what role does forgiveness play?