The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
This article looks at the church history of the 4th Century. The Edict of Milan (313 A.D.) and Constantine the Great are looked at in more detail.
This article looks at the church history of the 4th Century. The Edict of Milan (313 A.D.) and Constantine the Great are looked at in more detail.
Constantine I, also known as Constantine the Great, is a significant role player in early Christian history. This paper introduces the man and his significance in church history.
This article on church history looks at the battle of Milvian Bridge - the battle between Constantine and Maxentius. Constantine's victory, and his conviction that the Christian God helped him gain the victory, led to the edict of Milan. The author discusses both the positive and negative effects of this edict for the church.
Constantine's Battle of the Milvian Bridge in AD 312 and its historical interpretation by Eusebius have played a big role in people's image of this ruler and his impact on the Christian church. For those who lived in the fourth century, this battle was just one in a list of imperial victories.