New England Preachers and the Presence of God
Should You Preach from a Full Manuscript?
Make Your Preaching Live
In preaching, how can you communicate effectively? This article suggests that after doing your exegesis you need to work on the form of preaching, and the author explains what that is.
Bodily Action in Preaching
What is the role of "bodily action," or body language, in preaching? Bodily action can hinder or aid the communication of God's message. This article shows how bodily action can hinder the message and what can be done to improve so that it can aid it.
The Delivery of the Sermon He Should Watch His Voice
The Posture of Preaching
This article considers the mental and spiritual posture or disposition of the preacher as he approaches preaching. What kind of steps should one take in order to preach in a manner commensurate with the glory of the message he is bringing?
The Ethics of Persuasive Preaching
This paper concerns itself with the ethics of persuasion and rhetoric as they function in preaching. The author briefly considers the Judaeo-Christian, classical-rhetorical, and contemporary rhetoricians' attitude towards persuasion in communication.