The New International Version Translation Project: Its Conception and Implementation
Does the Bible need to be translated anew? Is there a need for new Bible translations every so many years? This essay explains why there is such a need for new translations and what the aims and goals of such translations should be, as it introduces the New International Version translation project.
Considerations of English Style
Skilton considers the factors that influence and determine the translator's consideration of what style of language to use when translating the Bible.
Survey Studies in Reformed Theology (6): The Translation of Scripture
This article looks at two forms of Bible translation: literal translation and dynamic equivalence. The author gives some guidance on choosing a Bible translation, and explains the basic requirements for a Bible translation.
Report on Bible Translation
The Bible Today
Theological Influence on Translation
Bible translation involves interpretation. Translation and interpretation are a theological engagement with the Bible. Woudstra reflects on questions of Bible translation and the role of theological influence upon it.
A Philosophy of Translation and the New English Bible
What is the philosophy of translation that stands behind the New English Bible? This paper tries to answer that question and also asks if the purpose of the translation has been attained.
Colorado Springs Guidelines for Translation of Gender-Related Language in Scripture
This article has some guidelines with regards to the translation of gender-language in the Bible.
Lingua Frankly - Inclusive and Personal
Bible translation is important. The view of the function of language and the task of the translator are no less important. One of the major stimuli to reevaluating the task of translation has been the feminist movement within the church. The discussion has largely centred on the use of gender-specific language, both of human beings and God.
Foreignizing Bible Translation: Retaining Foreign Origins When Rendering Scripture
What are the best methods to use when translating the Bible? This essay considers the idea of foreignizing Bible translation. It is a method that wants to "relocate" the Bible reader into the world of the text. This method is contrasted with a domestication of the text. This essay discusses the advantages of foreignizing translation practices.
Exegesis and Translation
Does a reader's exegesis influence his translation of the Bible? Is a good exegete by definition also a good translator? This article clarifies the position of the United Bible Societies concerning the exegetical training needed for translators. Secondly, it works out the thesis that an exegete is rarely a good translator.
A Response to Mark Strauss' Evaluation of the Colorado Springs Translation Guidelines
This essay is a response to Mark Strauss’ detailed analysis of the Colorado Springs Guidelines for Translation of Gender-Related Language in Scripture.
Linguistic and Hermeneutical Fallacies in the Guidelines Established at the “Conference on Gender-Related Language in Scripture”
In this article the author responds to the Conference on Gender-Related Language in Scripture where the participants drafted a series of guidelines on gender-related language in Bible translation. This paper is an examination and critique of these guidelines. The author argues that these guidelines are linguistically and hermeneutically incomplete and misleading.
The New International Version: A Review Article
In this article Craige introduces and shortly reviews the first publication of the New International Version of the Bible.
Considerations of Verbal and Idea Rendition
What is the function and purpose of a modern translation of the Bible? This paper considers the translation philosophy that believes that the translator should produce in his own language the thought contained in the work as a whole, and in each sentence and even each word within its context.
Which Translation?
The Reformation and the Philosophy of Vernacular Translations of the Bible
This article explains that the Reformation not only insisted on people having the Bible in their own vernacular. It also offered confessions, creeds and catechisms as a framework for clarifying the meaning of Scripture, and stressed the value of church leaders knowing the original languages so as to maintain the original meaning of the text.
Relevance Theory and the Translation of Scripture
Jobes underlines the importance of Bible translation. She reflects on Bible translation through her outline of a biblical theology of language. She also explores relevance theory as it bears on the question of translation. Jobes works toward conclusions on what characteristics a translation must have to be faithful.
Which Version Now?
Theory and Practice in Bible Translation
This article is a discussion of general theory and practice of Bible translation and related subjects like hermeneutics or theory of interpretation, linguistics, and transculturation.
The Neutering of "Man" in the NIVI
The following article is a comparative study of the translation of the Greek words anthrōpos ("man," "human being") and anēr ("man"). The IBS made a decision to forego the development of an "Inclusive Language Edition" of the NIV in the United States. At the time of writing the article, the UK edition was still available.