The Church's Task in a Pluralistic Society
Challenges to the Gospel in a Secular World
Post-Christianity, pluralism and postmodernism are some of the challenges facing the church as she finds herself in a secularised society. This article argues that the church can face these challenges with the gospel. It defines the gospel and shows how the church can communicate it to the world.
Religious Pluralism
In talking about religious pluralism one must learn to distinguish between pluralism as a fact of life and as ideology. This article considers how Christians should view the claims of pluralism?
Plurality, Ambiguity, and Despair in Contemporary Theology
What is the impact of the phenomenon of modern socio-cultural pluralism on the Christian faith? In particular, this article looks at how pluralism has been used to justify recent theological proposals commonly labelled "the theology of world religions" or "pluralistic theology." These proposals suggest that Christians cannot represent the Christian faith in such a way as to exclude or even threaten the validity of other world religions.
The Christian Church's Response to Pluralism
The church in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries is confronted with religious pluralism. McGrath points out the attack made against the doctrines of the incarnation and the Trinity. He argues that the specific identity of God is central to the formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity. The article argues the question whether it is possible to remain faithful to the Christian faith and engage positively with the challenge of pluralism.
The Challenge of Pluralism for the Contemporary Church
Churches are faced with the reality of pluralism. While the basic phenomenon is not new, the intellectual response to it is: the suggestion that plurality of beliefs is theoretically justified. The first casualty of the pluralist agenda is truth. McGrath's approach is to articulate some of the central presuppositions and methods of a pluralist ideology and intellectual pluralism.
Toward an Evangelical Theology of Religions
One of the features of modern society is pluralism, and in particular religious pluralism. Should Christianity have a more inclusive approach towards other religions? The Lausanne II Conference placed the matter clearly on the table and agenda of evangelicalism.
Relevance of 'Calvinism' for the Church Growth and Expansion in the Modern World
Religious Pluralism
This is the fifth article in a series on various doctrinal issues facing the church today. This article looks at the challenge introduced by pluralism and interfaith. Christians should not compromise the truth about God, Jesus Christ, or the gospel; however, they must find a way to build bridges to reach others for Christ.
The Necessity of Christian Intolerance
Cultural Barriers to Preaching
Is There Room For Unbelief?
Opinions, Robbery, and the Resurrection
The Church's Mission in a Pluralistic Society
Can a Faithful Christianity Embrace a Pluralistic Theology of Religions?
This is a critique of prescriptive pluralism. Pluralism argues that there is no one truth or one way of salvation. Rick Simpson argues that prescriptive pluralism does not fit with faithful Christianity.
Intolerance? Or Honest Conviction?
This article is about tolerance and our conviction of faith. The author also discusses pluralism and respect for different beliefs.