The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today Sovereign Grace, Human Responsibility and "Cheap" Grace

This article considers the value of the Canons of Dort for today. It explains that the Canons are helpful for understanding the relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. The author discusses modern issues like the lordship salvation controversy, as well as the meaning of cheap grace.

Can Parents be Sure? - Background and Meaning of Canons of Dort I,17

This article underlines the truth that the doctrine of election is not a theoretical issue, far removed from the daily faith life of believers. God-fearing parents are comforted in their grief over the death of an infant. The Canons point out that the election and salvation of their child ought not to be doubted.

Passed from Death to Life

The third and fourth heads are taken together, since in the Remonstrance of 1610 the two sections (three and four) really dealt with the same topic. Further, the two maters confessed, though distinct, are also directly complementary. The Articles 1-5 form the third head of doctrine, and maintain the teaching concerning the total depravity of man. All lie under the curse of God's wrath (L,1). Articles 6-17 constitute the fourth point of doctrine, that is, the insuperability of God's work of grace.

The Death of Christ and The Redemption of Man By It

The Canons of Dort may be seen as incorporating a simple theme of the gospel upon which one builds in ever widening concentric circles. The theme is the sovereign grace of God and His free election without regard to persons. The sovereign decision of God is enhanced and exalted in His equally free decision to pass by other persons, leaving them in the ruin in which they plunged themselves, and ultimately pronouncing condemnation upon them due to their own hardness of heart and wilful disobedience. The second head of doctrine elaborates on this theme.