Difficulties in Scripture
In this article, John Calvin expresses his view of those who object to the truths revealed in Scripture, and hence to the integrity of Scripture. He also talks about difficult texts in the Bible.
Catch the 66 to Heaven The Books of the Bible are “Bus Truth” — they’ll get you there
Far Brighter Even Than the Sun
When the Reformers observed the clarity of scripture, they had in mind that Scripture is clear when it is preached, and that the believer must read it in its simplicity. The perspicuity of scripture gives the freedom to believers to read the Bible, and the foundation for the church to formulate doctrines.
Claritas Scripturae: The Role of Perspicuity in Protestant Hermeneutics
This essay evaluates how the claims for the clarity of Scripture have been presented in Protestant hermeneutics. The author is interested in the various characterizations of perspicuity by Protestants and the means employed in its defence, and the value of an affirmation of claritas Scripturae.
The Impracticality of Application
This article considers the frequent cry for application of the Scriptures without the hard work of studying them. It shows from history that the doctrine of perspicuity makes interpretation hard rather than easy.