Confrontation in Peacemaking
Cravings and Conflicts
This article is about conflicts and fighting in relationships. The author looks at the causes of conflict, sinful cravings and desires in quarrels, reconciliation with God and people, and the confession of sin. James 4:1-2 is also discussed.
Should I Counsel Couples Individually or Together?
Healing Emotional Wounds – I See "The What," But Where's "The How"?
How do you heal emotional wounds? This article explains how change is the operative word in healing emotional wounds. It is valuable to outline a plan that will make selflessness a reality in your life. This is a plan to love because loving others addresses hurt emotions.
Healing Emotional Wounds – What Is the Solution to Hurt Feelings?
How do you heal emotional wounds? We need to look at Christ, and the pattern he sets for us in his response to emotional hurt.
Healing Emotional Wounds – So What Are "Hurt Feelings" Anyway?
How do you heal emotional wounds? This article addresses this matter by spelling out the difference between getting hurt and being hurt, and how the latter is sinful and thus an obstacle to healing.
Charitable Judgments: An Antidote to Judging Others
Believers are obliged to judge one another’s words and actions charitably, and this is particularly important in situations of conflict. This article identifies the roots of critical judgments, and lays out the biblical teaching about the way we ought to think of and respond to others, including those who may have done wrong in the past.
The Slippery Slope of Conflict
This article identifies the various ways people tend to respond to conflict, and applies the principles of the gospel to conflict resolution.
Emotional Empathy
The insights found in this discussion of emotional empathy in this article will help pastoral caregivers to counsel believers who are involved in conflict.
Responding Wisely to Conflict in Ministry
Using the experience of Nehemiah, and the opposition he faced while rebuilding Jerusalem, the author offers practical advice for church leaders who have to deal with conflict in ministry.
How to Resolve Conflict Biblically
Drawing on Ken Sande’s work in The Peacemaker, this article lays out the “4 Gs” of biblical conflict resolution: Glorify God, Get the log out of your eye, Gently restore, and Go and be reconciled.
Troubled by Triggers?
Getting Lost in the Details
People who are in conflict can get caught up in the details of situations and lose sight of the fundamental issues that live in their hearts. This article alerts counsellors to that tendency, and offers advice to help them keep the conversation on track.
Anger Talks: Are You Listening to Yours?
How to Move from Forgiveness to Reconciliation
This article provides biblical instruction for who are struggling to forgive and be reconciled to those who have hurt them deeply.
Four Things It’s Okay to Say When You’re Hurt
Reconciliation is not automatically accomplished when a hurtful action or behaviour has been forgiven. This article shows that it is legitimate for those who have been hurt to indicate that time is needed before they and/or the offender are ready for reconciliation, or, that they need advice before moving forward to reconciliation.
The Four Promises of Forgiveness
This brief article identifies the four commitments believers make when they forgive one another.
The Power of Unforgiveness When Used as a Weapon: A Case Study
This article addresses the phenomenon of unforgiveness, and the power it has to take hold of the heart of a person who has been sinned against, and prevent the restoration of a broken relationship.
Tempted to Sue? An Alternative to Resolving Disputes Among Christians
This article addresses situations in which Christians involved in conflict might be considering legal action, and promotes a biblical and peace-seeking alternative approach.
Christian Conflict: Five Ways to Fight It
This article identifies five attributes, found in Colossians 3:12-17, that believers need to cultivate to avoid or overcome conflict.
Seven Steps to Conflict Resolution
This article offers basic biblical direction for Christians involved in conflict, based on Paul’s admonitions in Philippians 4:2-9.
Five Things to Remember When You Disagree with Your Church Leaders
How do you handle disagreement with your church leaders? This article identifies five things to bear in mind when dealing with disagreement in the church.
Dealing with Hurt and Offence What the Bible Says
Do Not Quarrel among Brothers
Four Questions That Help Destructive Clients Examine and Self-Reflect
A Biblical Anatomy of Conflict
This article presents a biblical anatomy of conflict by considering James 4:1-10. It shows the cause and root of conflict, the hope in the midst of conflict, and the cure from it.
When Is Joint Marital Counseling Contra-Indicated
This article considers three situations where marital counselling is not helpful and can even be harmful: when one of the partners is afraid to speak or be honest, only one person takes responsibility for the breakdown of the relationship, and one spouse does not become an official client.
Resolve Conflict ASAP
Conflict resolution must be undertaken as soon as possible, and here are six reasons why.
How to Have a Confrontational Conversation
The goal of conflict resolution is to bring restoration. How do you prepare for such a confrontational conversation? The article explains that you pray, plan, and present.
Help in Overcoming Church Hurt
Have you been hurt by the church? How did you deal with it? Overcoming church hurt can take some time but it is possible. This article suggests three ways one can do that.
Five Ways to Deal with Difficult People
How do you deal with difficult people, also those in the church? This article offers five ways.
The Beginner's Guide to Conflict Resolution
How should we resolve conflict within the church? The article offers some guidance on conflict resolution, explaining the value of raising and answering two key questions: what kind of conflict are we in, and what do we need to do to resolve this conflict?
What to Do When You Have Blown It
This article offers some direction on what your next step is after realizing you are the cause of broken relationships in your home.
When Christians Hurt You
How should you respond when other Christians hurt you? This article gives four principles for dealing with the pain of those who are hurting and for working towards reconciliation.