Why Black Friday Can't Make You Happy
The article raises the topic of the idolatry of consumerism, and why it will never bring you happiness.
Two Ways of Denying God’s Law and One Way of Affirming It
There are two ways to undermine the law of God: idolatry and legalism. And there is one way of affirming it: by observing it, still today.
Five Ways People Worship Themselves
Idolatry is rooted in seeking a god who agrees with you. Here are five ways you can use to tell if you are caught in self-worship.
The Second Commandment The Ten Commandments Series: Part 2
Hidden Idols: Unseating the Idol of Performance
This article exposes the sinful idolatry of performance identity, often found in academic pursuits. It calls for rooting out disordered motivations by not measuring our significance in grades, but in Christ.
On Sports and the Christian Life: An Interview with David Prince (Part 2)
Idol Factories Idols must be Recognised Before they can be Torn Down
Thinking Rightly
In the Wasteland Civilisation might be Collapsing, but the Gospel is Equal to the Challenge
Idol Thoughts Idolatry takes Many Forms, All Involve Dissatisfaction with God
The Traumatic Teens Parental Idols can make Adolescence much More Difficult
Insights from Idolatry Nature, Nurture or the Bible? In Fact, it’s All Three
When Relief Becomes a Refuge
Idolatry: A Fatal Attraction (Part 1)
What makes idolatry so attractive? This article explains the charm of idolatry, and how replacement gods ultimately don't deliver what they promise.
Idolatry: A Fatal Attraction (Part 2)
The Bible condemns idolatry. How can you tell if you are an idolater or not? The article explains that you can tell by knowing what rules your heart.
Become Idolaters by Forgetting the Gospel
When we forget the gospel we commit idolatry. How? We start to live from good works. This article discusses this matter, and the solution to it.
Idolatry and the Reformation
This article discusses a fundamental component of the Reformation: the purging of idolatry. The solution was a high Christology with a high view of the sacraments.
Don’t Waste Your Suffering (Part 3)
How can you make the best of your suffering? This article suggests avoiding the temptation to succumb to idolatry—hanging contentment on Christ plus something. The article explains this by looking at possible idols from your past, present, and future. It issues the call to train ourselves to delight in all that Christ has done for us.
War in a Church-Historical Perspective
Wright surveys the way the early church viewed war. He demonstrates how complex the views were during the period of the early martyrs, i.e. the first three centuries. The prominence of idolatry in the Roman army complicated the attitudes of Christians. The church did not function with a worked-out public ethics.
Unmasking Greed
How to Turn from Your Idols
Idolatry is a struggle for everyone. How can you turn from idols? Based on Psalm 115 this article gives four ways to turning from idols.
Pastoral Idolatry: Ten Common Forms of False Righteousness in Ministry
Idolatry is a struggle for everyone. So in the ministry, there is pastoral idolatry, things that you do to build your righteousness. This article names ten of those ways.
The Essential: Idolatry
What is idolatry? Idolatry is being discontent with who God is and what he has done for you, in that you look elsewhere for satisfaction.
The Hidden Power of Every Idol
Hate What God Hates
Did you know that God does not only love? God hates, and this should make you hate what he hates. Hate idolatry, because idolatry evokes the hatred of God.
Idolatry: The Desire to Be Lord of What One Worships
Idolatry is a reflection of the desire of fallen human nature to be lord of what one worships. This article explains.
Idols of the Heart and "Vanity Fair"
Why is idolatry by far the most frequently discussed sin in the Bible? It is a problem of the heart, the chief object of God's concern since from the heart issues everything. Yet idolatry is also a social problem. This article considers the interplay between our hearts and the situation that surrounds us, and the implications this has for counselling issues.
1 Kings 9-12: Kingdom of Contradictions Life in the Solomonic Era
American Idols
Is the adoration of famous personalities in the entertainment industry - such as TV, movie, or sports stars - idolatry?
Upon This Rock (6): Israel's Treacherous Sister
This article is part of a series on the history of the Old Testament. This article looks at the end of the ten tribes of Israel. Judah was sent to exile because of her sin of idolatry.
Is Idolatry the New Sin?
American Idolatry
This article considers idolatry in our culture, as it is embodied in a show like <em>American Idol</em>. It explains that the key to understanding and critiquing much of human culture is total depravity.