The Role of Music in Worship
What is the role of congregational praise in worship? This article is a short survey of some of the biblical evidence.
"Faithful Songs"
"Intelligible and Edifying"
"A Songbook of the Universal Church"
Church Music – Let There Be Variety
"I / We"
Why Do We Sing?
Once Again: How to Sing Psalms
Church Music: Watch Those Words!
Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
How Important Is Psalm Singing?
Music in Worship: An Historical Sketch and Theological Appraisal
Our Songs in God's Worship
Shall We Sing?
The Opening of the Worship Service
The Importance of Music in the Church
According to Colossians 3:16 singing should be a form of teaching and admonishing one another. This article discusses this by looking at the content of what the church sings and the manner of singing.
The Role of Singing in Worship
Improving Congregational Singing
O Come Let Us Worship (6): Praising the Lord in the Congregation
This series of articles is about the elements of the worship service. Here the author looks at corporate singing during worship. Corporate singing has a characteristic of dialogue, and comes as a response to God's word.
O Come Let Us Worship (5): Praising the Lord in the Congregation
This series of articles is about the elements of the worship service. Here the author looks at the significance of singing in worship, discussing the goal, necessity and nature of corporate singing.
Luther and Calvin on Music and Worship
This article shows that John Calvin and Martin Luther shared the same conviction: that restoring singing to God's people is part of restoring true worship. The author shows how their differing starting principles led to their different views on the place of hymns and psalms in a worship service, as well as the place of musical instruments.
The Ministry of Waiting
Do we take worship seriously? This article discusses how people coming late to church can serve those who are already seated by waiting.
Sing a New Song!
Worship in War-time
Singing Psalms about Christ
Sing Psalms along with the Suffering Church
Sing for Joy in The Lord
Sing a New Song
Why are they singing? A short meditation
This article is a short meditation on Psalm 137.
How to...Introduce Worship Songs: Some Helpful Pointers for Pastors and Other Worship Leaders
This article indicates the importance of how songs are introduced in the worship service. It reflects on how to introduce worship songs and offers some helpful pointers for pastors and other worship leaders.
Prayer in Worship
Why I Didn't Sing When I Visited Your Church
How is singing in your church service? This article looks at hindrances that make it difficult for visitors to participate in church singing.
Music and Hymns in History!
The Psalms: A Brief Users’ Guide
Church Music in Calvin’s Tradition
Great is the Lord and Greatly to be Praised
John Calvin on Psalms and Hymns in Public Worship
Horse & Rider
This article is about the characteristics of our praise and about remembrance and thanksgiving in our songs.
Confessions of a Teenage Praise Junkie
What is praise exactly, and how do you do it? This article describes praise as essentially advertising. Read the article to see this intriguing viewpoint as it is fleshed out with Scripture.
Psalm-Singing Churches?
This article is about the priority of singing Psalms in the worship service, and to encourage singing Psalms.