The Future of the Jews
Do the Jews have a special future? This article answers this question by addressing the question of identity - who is a Jew? Romans 11 shows that one is a Jew by God's election and calling, and that Jews are grafted in as they believe in Jesus. Jews identified in terms of race apart from Christ have no special place in God's kingdom.
To The Jew First: A Reformed Perspective
This article looks at the gospel ministry to non-Christian Jews. The author discusses how the Reformed understanding of the covenant of grace, the unity of the people of God, the harmony of the law and the gospel, and eschatology has bearing on evangelism to non-Christian Jews.
The Passion of Jesus Christ and the Passion of Auschwitz
This article draws a connection between the passion of Christ and the suffering of the Jews in concentration camps.
What of the Jews?
Salvation Is of the Jews
In what way does the Lord still today use the Jews to witness to the gospel? This article reflects upon the significance of the words of John 4:22 that "salvation is of the Jews." The author argues that even if it is through God's present judgement over the Jews, they still witness to the reality of the truth of the gospel.
"A Tale of Two Cities" – Nationalism in Zion and Babylon
What is nationalism and how did it play a role in the life of Israel as the people of God? This article examines the characteristics of neo-Babylonian nationalism before looking at two biblical examples of nationalism. The focus is on some of the eschatology concerned with Israel's future, which also involves the nations.
Israel's House: Reflections on the Use of BYT YSR'L in the Old Testament in the Light of Its Ancient Near Eastern Environment
What is the significance of the self-designation of the descendants of Jacob as the "house of Israel" within its ancient Near Eastern context?
Questions concerning the Jews
This article is about the relation of the Jews to the Israel of Scripture. The literal interpretation of prophecy with regards to the texts about Israel and Jerusalem is also discussed. Other topics mentioned are the future of the Jews, "all Israel" and the state Israel.
The Future of Israel as a Theological Question
This essay reflects on the theological question of the future of Israel. Blaising defines "Israel" as a designation for the descendants of Jacob as an ethnic, cultural, and national entity. Consideration of the future of Israel is a question about the national future of the descendants of Jacob. The author does not ask about the future of Israel as a state.
The Jews, the Land, and the Kingdom
What's in a Name? An Examination of the Usage of the Term “Hebrew” in the Old Testament
The word "Hebrew" in the Old Testament refers to the covenant people of God, Israel. This name is used relatively sparingly in the Bible, with most of the occurrences appearing in the Pentateuch. This article considers the use of the term in its different contexts.
Did YHWH Condemn the Nations When He Elected Israel? YHWH's Disposition toward Non-Israelites in the Torah
The election of Israel to be the people of God is a significant theme in the Old Testament. This special position of Israel has offended many people both in the ancient and modern world. In a world of "equal opportunity," people argue that the idea of election leads to violence because it in effect defines all other nations as the enemy. The elect and the non-elect are seen as antagonistic categories.