Roland Allen and the Moratorium on Missionaries
What is the impact of colonialism and post-colonialism on mission work? This article argues that colonialism bred dependence, while post-colonialism raised voices for the independence of local churches in mission work. This article discusses the 1970s moratorium on foreign missionaries and foreign aid.
Seize God's Opportunities
The author of this article urges readers to financially support the work of ministry and the spreading of the gospel through mission work.
Missions is More than Money: Criteria for Supporting Missions in the Local Church
How Should Missionaries be Supported?
Missions Without Money The Biblical Basis
Nobility Obligates - Paul about Ecumenical Assistance
Buying Missions
How the church thinks about the relationship between money and doing mission work is essential in protecting the church from falling in the trap of buying missions. This article gives three scenarios in which the church can buy missions while thinking that it is doing mission work.
Cross-Economic Giving (2)
Christians are called by God to give with a willing heart according to what they have. This article shows that when churches help each other (especially in the context of mission work), this help must be guided by God's providence and wisdom.
Cross-Economic Giving (1)
Christians are called by God to give with a willing heart according to what they have. This article shows that when churches help each other (especially in the context of mission work), this help must be guided by God's providence and wisdom.
Africa, the Church and Development
Foreign Subsidy under Scrutiny (2)
What is the impact of foreign aid on mission work? This article looks at ways to combat the negative consequences of foreign subsidy.
Foreign Subsidy under Scrutiny (1)
What is the impact of foreign aid on mission work? This article documents five different aid works and shows how each negatively alleviates poverty, paralyzing the poor and causing dependency in mission work and economic development.