Don’t Waste Your Life (Part 6): The Antithesis
The Biblical Antithesis in Education
The Antithesis: How it Affects You
What Must We Renounce?
God’s Truth All Truth is God’s, However it Comes
The Proud, Troubled, Roaring Sea
Creation is a book that speaks to us. This article shows how the sea and land are used to reveal the antithesis.
2 Corinthians 6:14-15 – The Radical Difference between Believers and Unbelievers
This article outlines the fundamental antithesis between the believer and the unbeliever, through the lens of 2 Corinthians 6:14-15.
This article explains that Christians cannot deny the reality of the antithesis.
How We Live Antithetically to this World
Not Two Kinds
An Introduction to Proverbs (3)
Wisdom is the main theme of the book of Proverbs. This book presents wisdom as identifying with Christ. Wisdom teaches the doctrine of eternal generation and antithesis. Next to this teaching, Proverbs lays out a gospel call.
The Three Pillars of Christian Education
Crossing the Chasm
Holding to the absolute truth of the antithesis (that either one is in Adam or in Christ), this article shows that the antithesis should not hinder the practice of apologetics. The fact that all are created in the image of God creates room for the persuasion of apologetics.
The Eternal, Inextricable Link
This article shows how the link to the covenantal heads constitutes the antithetical view to life. Individuals are connected either to the first Adam or the second Adam - Christ Jesus. This connection shapes the practice of apologetics for Christians. The author discusses the antithesis from Romans 5:12-21.
Daniel 1 – Hell Hopes to Overpower the Church
The Antichrist and the Man of Lawlessness
Christianity and Philosophy
The Cainite Civilisation
The Divine Hand in World History
Antithesis or Synthesis?
Christ – Our Starting Point
Christian Education Foundation for Life and Citizenship
Standing as the Pillar
"Not a Square Inch"
Scripture on the Antithesis
The antithesis and the rule of Christ
This article on the antithesis and the rule of Christ, is about the enmity between the church and world. The relation between the rule of grace and the rule of power is also discussed. The author looks at Genesis 3:15 in some detail.
Revelation 2:12-17 - The Church in the Midst of the World: Where Satan Dwells
This article is about the antithesis of church and world. Revelation 2:12-17 is also discussed.
Revelations 3:14-22 - Called back to Christ
This article on Revelation 3:14-22 is about a church losing its antithesis with the world, and becoming like the world.