Body Modification — Piercing, Tatooing, Scarring, Branding, Cutting, Mutilation
Instilling Christian Virtues in Our Children
Dressing Modestly
Christian Lifestyle
Needed: Whole Christianity
Here It Is...
How do people change their lifestyle? Biblical change can only come in three ways. This article explains them.
Pure Religion
In his letter, James emphasizes the importance of treating each other with kindness, sincerity, and faithfulness. True faith is always accompanied by good works.
Consistent Living
According to James, how are believers to fulfil the biblical command to participate in good works?
A Life of Faith
Living the Lord's Prayer
The Lord's prayer should not only be used as words, but should be translated into the Christian life. This article shows how the Lord's prayer can be used to shape the life of the Christian.
Moral Heroism
Don't Be a VIP!
This article warns Christians against laziness, impatience, anger, irresponsibility, apathy, and indiscretion. These should not be things that characterize the students of the word.